I think I've lost the ability to chew properly. I've bitten myself about 4 times (Edit: Aarg, make that 6... with only 1 repeat bite) within a week while eating
Go me!
Valentine's Day is coming up. Hoorah? I've never had a Valentine
Go me?
I have a job in a city that I really don't like driving to tomorrow morning
Go me.

Valentine's Day is coming up. Hoorah? I've never had a Valentine

I have a job in a city that I really don't like driving to tomorrow morning

i want my 300+ days of real sunshine back. but at least today felt like spring. all the trees are about ready to explode with life, i can just feel the energy in the air. and that means it'll be getting warmer.
is it bad that i'm already sick of this seasons shit? it makes me weary just thinking on doing this for 60 more years or something.
and i think it's just me finally getting sick of winter this year. usually i get all up on it but not this year. i really don't care for this last sputter of winter around here. i want it to be spring and then summer. i want to go out and harvest seaweed and eat it right out of the water. i want to eat trees and shrubs and plants. i want it to be vibrant and alive with long days and warm nights.
i guess it's a bit odd not to enjoy the cycle of life coming and going and coming again. maybe if i didn't have a calender it'd be better.