I'm looking at working up to 66 1/2 hour total this week. I have 22 1/2 under my belt already from the weekend and today. Everything after 40 hours is time and a half
I will quite literally be doubling my typical weekly pay if I do get scheduled for the last 22 hours (Thurs & Fri) that are still pending. I'm going be be so exhausted by the end of it, but the pay will be worth it!
Edit: My hours have been bumped up to between 72 and 78... with some 14 hour days
Here's to me surviving the week... at least the kid is easy! I'm taking 2 days off next week!
I looked through about 2 years worth of my journals on here the other night. It reminded me of a lot of things that happened in my life that I had forgotten about. It made me miss some of the people I used to know on here that have gone grey or that I simply don't really talk to anymore for whatever reason. But more than anything, it made me realize how fucking immature, stupid, naive, and dramatic I was at times back in 04'-05'. Jeezus. I don't know how some of the people I talked to back then put up with me... seriously! And all those pointless, pointless journals. I feel like apoligizing to them for it haha. Certainly, I could have been a lot worse, but by my standards for myself, I was pretty bad at times. I'm so glad I'm not 18 anymore! It was actually very interesting to notice how I matured over the span of 1-2 years. Maybe I'll make my way through the next 2 years of journals in the next few days to see what I think of the 05'-07' me. I'm coming up on 21 pretty soon here and I definitely feel like I know myself a lot better and certainly know when to keep my mouth shut about certain things a whole lot better!
Last year was a pretty big year of growth for me and I certainly feel more mature and wiser... my sister agrees, which is saying something. Just 6-8 months ago, she was calling me immature. I asked her about 2 months ago if she still thought I was immature and she told me no
She can be pretty hard to impress, so it felt good to have her approval, finally. Anyways... and now I think I'm rambling...
So! I'm constantly on the lookout for new music and I tend to like more mellow stuff these days. Any suggestions? Foreign stuff will give you extra points

Edit: My hours have been bumped up to between 72 and 78... with some 14 hour days

I looked through about 2 years worth of my journals on here the other night. It reminded me of a lot of things that happened in my life that I had forgotten about. It made me miss some of the people I used to know on here that have gone grey or that I simply don't really talk to anymore for whatever reason. But more than anything, it made me realize how fucking immature, stupid, naive, and dramatic I was at times back in 04'-05'. Jeezus. I don't know how some of the people I talked to back then put up with me... seriously! And all those pointless, pointless journals. I feel like apoligizing to them for it haha. Certainly, I could have been a lot worse, but by my standards for myself, I was pretty bad at times. I'm so glad I'm not 18 anymore! It was actually very interesting to notice how I matured over the span of 1-2 years. Maybe I'll make my way through the next 2 years of journals in the next few days to see what I think of the 05'-07' me. I'm coming up on 21 pretty soon here and I definitely feel like I know myself a lot better and certainly know when to keep my mouth shut about certain things a whole lot better!

So! I'm constantly on the lookout for new music and I tend to like more mellow stuff these days. Any suggestions? Foreign stuff will give you extra points

oh! if you don't know Calexico you really need to. they're amazing. they came with Salvador Duran last year, best concert i've ever seen.
and read read read! lol. it's long but well worth the effort. makes you realize that even the people what are trying to appear green are in fact just another front of the corporate raping of the earth. or so i've heard...