I did this on Monday with a friend. We did it at Folklife, which is an arts festival type thing at the Seattle Center (base of the Space Needle) that happens every year with food venders/stands and people selling their arts and crafts and music and entertainment. I'm sure most people in Seattle and nearby cities go during at least 1 of the days it's running (it was Friday through Monday this year... it thinks it's all 4 days most years), so there's lots of people there. Me and my friends just walked around for almost 5 hours taking turns with the sign I made. We each hugged at least 100 people. Some lady even had me hug her baby that was probably around 8 months old, he was cute We each had our not so lovely encounters as well... a bum (it's free to get in) hugged me and kissed me on the neck *cringe* (I washed my neck off when I got home... I did NOT like that) and some guy with 2 black eyes already decided to get in my friend's face and call him a fag and yell at him while my friend continued to hold the sign up. I was in line to get food and I look over at my friend and I see that he has pulled out his knife and had it at his side while this guy was in his face and there's a cop on the other side of this guy and the cop is watching, trying to decide who's causing the problem (I didn't see the cop, but my friend did and he said he made sure the cop saw that he had his knife out) and I'm just thinking "what the fuck?! what happened!?!". As this guys finally left, people who were watching pointed at the other guy to say that he started it and not my friend so the cop followed the other guy. And then people started coming up to my friend and giving him props for standing his ground and such lol I was a little freaked and my yummy little apple dumpling and ice cream I got was spoiled for a few minutes cause I was freaking out... but then I ate it and enjoyed it thoroughly I had fun. It was amusing when some girl was hugging my friend and another girl was hopping up and down excitedly saying "me next! me next!" It was a pretty good day for the most part. I'm not a very outgoing person for the most part (I have my moments) but I definately came out of my shell that day. I even danced to the reggae music playing at the stage nearby towards the end of the day as I was holding the sign up... I'm not much of a dancer, and I'm definately not a public dancer. I liked it, I had a good time.
I'm definately going to do it at Folklife next year and at Bumbershoot this fall (music festival, also at the Seattle Center).