Loooong day.
This morning I had a chiropractor appointment. Left the office and witnessed a car accident from down the street. I had to turn left at that same intersection but I got out of my car instead when I saw one of the cars smoking on the inside and nobody was helping yet. The other car (a Jeep) seemed fine, the guy driving it couldn't get out cause the other car had hit him on the driver's side door with the front right of their car. I saw the woman in the smoking car waving the smoke out of her face as she pushed the deflated airbag out of her way. As I'm walking towards the accident, 2 or 3 men come up and help the woman out and she goes straight to her back door to let her 2 dogs out of the car. I notice that her car is still running which really did not seem like a good idea consider her car was filling with smoke. I almost reached in to turn her car off but thought to ask her "can you turn your car off?" first for some reason. She did it herself and went back to getting her dogs out. That's went I noticed a good amount of liquid on the ground under her engine and tire nearest me. Couldn't tell what it was, I was just glad I suggested the car be turned off. One of her dogs ran off down the street a bit. Seeing as I wasn't a very good witness (I didn't actually see who hit who) and I had to get to work, I got back into my car and grabbed my phone to at least report the accident. That's when the adreniline seemed to wear off cause I started feeling shakey. I called 911 and drove away... couldn't really do much else.
Then to finish off my day, I went to my friend's 20th birthday party. We were hanging out a bit at their house before heading out to dinner. Well, birthday girl decides to playfully rough-house it with a friend and low and behold... they go through the window in the door that they leaned up against. Birthday girl falls backwards holding onto said friend, the back of her head catching her fall and the back/outside of her right leg 2 or 3 inches above her knee get's cut open nicely. I got to see what fat looks like today. Luckily it didn't seem to go any deeper than the fat (though it was a good sized cut) and she kept her leg elevated which kept it from bleeding for a few minutes. Got her leg wrapped up, a nice bump on the back of her head but no bleeding as far as I saw, and several other smaller cuts and scratches on her arms and such. Her mom took her to the hospital, and as far as I know, she got stitched up and got CAT scans to check for a concussion or further damage to her head. Hopefully it's no more than a concussion. I won't find out until I get ahold of her or someon else tomorrow.
*sigh* What a day I've had
Edit: No concussion, surprisingly. She got 20+ stitches in her leg and she's doing pretty alright.
This morning I had a chiropractor appointment. Left the office and witnessed a car accident from down the street. I had to turn left at that same intersection but I got out of my car instead when I saw one of the cars smoking on the inside and nobody was helping yet. The other car (a Jeep) seemed fine, the guy driving it couldn't get out cause the other car had hit him on the driver's side door with the front right of their car. I saw the woman in the smoking car waving the smoke out of her face as she pushed the deflated airbag out of her way. As I'm walking towards the accident, 2 or 3 men come up and help the woman out and she goes straight to her back door to let her 2 dogs out of the car. I notice that her car is still running which really did not seem like a good idea consider her car was filling with smoke. I almost reached in to turn her car off but thought to ask her "can you turn your car off?" first for some reason. She did it herself and went back to getting her dogs out. That's went I noticed a good amount of liquid on the ground under her engine and tire nearest me. Couldn't tell what it was, I was just glad I suggested the car be turned off. One of her dogs ran off down the street a bit. Seeing as I wasn't a very good witness (I didn't actually see who hit who) and I had to get to work, I got back into my car and grabbed my phone to at least report the accident. That's when the adreniline seemed to wear off cause I started feeling shakey. I called 911 and drove away... couldn't really do much else.
Then to finish off my day, I went to my friend's 20th birthday party. We were hanging out a bit at their house before heading out to dinner. Well, birthday girl decides to playfully rough-house it with a friend and low and behold... they go through the window in the door that they leaned up against. Birthday girl falls backwards holding onto said friend, the back of her head catching her fall and the back/outside of her right leg 2 or 3 inches above her knee get's cut open nicely. I got to see what fat looks like today. Luckily it didn't seem to go any deeper than the fat (though it was a good sized cut) and she kept her leg elevated which kept it from bleeding for a few minutes. Got her leg wrapped up, a nice bump on the back of her head but no bleeding as far as I saw, and several other smaller cuts and scratches on her arms and such. Her mom took her to the hospital, and as far as I know, she got stitched up and got CAT scans to check for a concussion or further damage to her head. Hopefully it's no more than a concussion. I won't find out until I get ahold of her or someon else tomorrow.
*sigh* What a day I've had

Edit: No concussion, surprisingly. She got 20+ stitches in her leg and she's doing pretty alright.