My god i will miss that thak the lord for my wwe keyring of sayings i guess.
Hello all and sundry i must apologise for my absence i usaually blog twice a week but last weekend and Monday i fucking died a horrible migrane death.I think being a bit out of shape drinking too much at home of the alcohol kind and eating takeaway crap at work isn,t that good for me so i kicked a good proportion of that into touch and im eating a bit healthy in other words i feel fucking fab for it i seem to be a bit more energised and it seemed to make me tired at first and grumpy ie telling chrissy to fucking walk to work one morning never ever piss a woman off a 6am in the morning.
So what have i been up to well i will list my week like a week lol and the things that shall be
Got ill went home dinner time from work but then watched a show i love DEAL OR NO DEAL now you have to discard all the boxes and hopefully you win a wad of money.You alway get one cocky bastard that likes to piss the banker off with his clenched fist is jumping up and down he usually looks like a fucking nerd and yes this guy was king of em a cross between mr muscle and a a weasel.
So he tells a story how he gave his brother his kidney on the 17th of the month its also the day he got married awwwwwwwwwww you may all say but the box hes got on the table is number three half way threw the show the banker offers him swap for the box with the precious number on awww and he gets offered 30000 but being a cocky fucker goes on a run of choosing all the big money boxes and it comes down to getting rid of box number three the box he had first it has 50000 quid in it UNLUCKY and to top it all his box with the lucky number 17 on it has 1pence i laughed my fucking cock off and its funnier i took a piccy of the sad crying fucker look at his glasses there half full of water PRICELESS
My pool improved i managed to win my doubles but lost singles again nothing much else happened
It ace conning a work chum study this piccy of Jeff Linwood the office plonker who when he found a rather swish jacket in the car i asked him to model it so i could take his piccy
Ha little did he know it was the bosses jacket he had borrowed the car earlier and jeff lookad at little gren when i told him i am know using the evidence as the ultimate bribe make the coffee for a whole fucking month or i show the boss it god im fucking evil
Got two presents today chrissy got a hello kitty toaster(for fucks sake
)i got my CLOAK OF WRESTLING DOOM AND A CHOCCY BUNNY OFF MY BESTEST GIRLEE CHUMlibra thanks babe so i must admit i have recieved some cool stuff as my wrestling alt ego CARDINAL SINN heres a tribute to my
The lush BECKS bought me a cool cardinal sinn doll shes amazing and all these girls super hot Sicknote is no different
Now my wrestling diva after purchasing her for around 97 quid which means i get to oil the greatest rack in sg land she sent me her knickers but her pubes were fake they belonged to her other half not good but i enjoyed the panties
Here she is looking very sassy in glasses
Man jen bought me my cloak of doom shes a angel but shes a mystery when it comes to getting her kit off i will just after use my wicked imagination
and finally
The mistress
She sent me a set for thechurchofpervsio thanks jeff for shooting it dude i vamped it a little to fit in with the churchs gothic overtones and it will get loaded onto the churchs blog soon
Unfortunately my sg is not allowing my piccys so i will post em on the churchofpervsio so check em out
grrrrrr nevermind tecnical hitches aside its good to be back
My god i will miss that thak the lord for my wwe keyring of sayings i guess.
Hello all and sundry i must apologise for my absence i usaually blog twice a week but last weekend and Monday i fucking died a horrible migrane death.I think being a bit out of shape drinking too much at home of the alcohol kind and eating takeaway crap at work isn,t that good for me so i kicked a good proportion of that into touch and im eating a bit healthy in other words i feel fucking fab for it i seem to be a bit more energised and it seemed to make me tired at first and grumpy ie telling chrissy to fucking walk to work one morning never ever piss a woman off a 6am in the morning.
So what have i been up to well i will list my week like a week lol and the things that shall be
Got ill went home dinner time from work but then watched a show i love DEAL OR NO DEAL now you have to discard all the boxes and hopefully you win a wad of money.You alway get one cocky bastard that likes to piss the banker off with his clenched fist is jumping up and down he usually looks like a fucking nerd and yes this guy was king of em a cross between mr muscle and a a weasel.
So he tells a story how he gave his brother his kidney on the 17th of the month its also the day he got married awwwwwwwwwww you may all say but the box hes got on the table is number three half way threw the show the banker offers him swap for the box with the precious number on awww and he gets offered 30000 but being a cocky fucker goes on a run of choosing all the big money boxes and it comes down to getting rid of box number three the box he had first it has 50000 quid in it UNLUCKY and to top it all his box with the lucky number 17 on it has 1pence i laughed my fucking cock off and its funnier i took a piccy of the sad crying fucker look at his glasses there half full of water PRICELESS

My pool improved i managed to win my doubles but lost singles again nothing much else happened
It ace conning a work chum study this piccy of Jeff Linwood the office plonker who when he found a rather swish jacket in the car i asked him to model it so i could take his piccy

Ha little did he know it was the bosses jacket he had borrowed the car earlier and jeff lookad at little gren when i told him i am know using the evidence as the ultimate bribe make the coffee for a whole fucking month or i show the boss it god im fucking evil
Got two presents today chrissy got a hello kitty toaster(for fucks sake

The lush BECKS bought me a cool cardinal sinn doll shes amazing and all these girls super hot Sicknote is no different

Now my wrestling diva after purchasing her for around 97 quid which means i get to oil the greatest rack in sg land she sent me her knickers but her pubes were fake they belonged to her other half not good but i enjoyed the panties

Here she is looking very sassy in glasses

Man jen bought me my cloak of doom shes a angel but shes a mystery when it comes to getting her kit off i will just after use my wicked imagination

and finally
The mistress
She sent me a set for thechurchofpervsio thanks jeff for shooting it dude i vamped it a little to fit in with the churchs gothic overtones and it will get loaded onto the churchs blog soon
Unfortunately my sg is not allowing my piccys so i will post em on the churchofpervsio so check em out
grrrrrr nevermind tecnical hitches aside its good to be back

sorry about the pubes!
not sure why its called garden leave, I think its cos they are abasically paying you to potter around and not turn up