is the sickest dusts of hell of the blackest of hates my SINUS ATTACK FROM HELL WON,T GO.I have constant headache and a dizzy head yikes bugger fuck.
I ain,t gonna write a load because i haven,t done mucho shit this week.
I got uber excited about going to Londarn booked the wrong day to go on the train wat a fuckwit i am but i managed to get tickets for friday which cost me 30 sheets which is pretty cheap.
Not long till GROTBAGS BIRTHDAY and the tattoo convention.
I have decided the deadmanshand is the sickest member of the POB with is awful octopuss japanese porn wtf is that all about.
I blazed my way back into my pool team averages this week with another awesome game i put my form down to my SUPERMAN undie garments jen bought me for my birthday they have given me super pool beating power i think i might wear em before i goto the place where the bashsters magic happens i might be a superfuck???.
My hunt for superhot gurlies for the pob and the bashsters harem is hotting up i have a sg gurlie in my sights the bashsters tractor beam should snare her by the weekend and she too will worship at the sex alter that is the bashster.
The best news this week is the mighty WEEZER are writing their six lp for release next year im super super stoked i love this band to death and feared they would split up.
Another worrying music i,m listening to is KID ROCK i had is infernal cowboy song on six times on the way to work at again a bashter molten 11 on the bashsters deathcardecks im a sucker for dumb ass music.
It saddens me that Led Zeppelin are reforming i say some bands leave a legacy don,t ruin it die old hippies.
The time is 7 40 i better go to work i guess
mucho love to the gwen steffani loving Alice the bashster worries about you hun hope things get good soon
I ain,t gonna write a load because i haven,t done mucho shit this week.
I got uber excited about going to Londarn booked the wrong day to go on the train wat a fuckwit i am but i managed to get tickets for friday which cost me 30 sheets which is pretty cheap.
Not long till GROTBAGS BIRTHDAY and the tattoo convention.
I have decided the deadmanshand is the sickest member of the POB with is awful octopuss japanese porn wtf is that all about.
I blazed my way back into my pool team averages this week with another awesome game i put my form down to my SUPERMAN undie garments jen bought me for my birthday they have given me super pool beating power i think i might wear em before i goto the place where the bashsters magic happens i might be a superfuck???.
My hunt for superhot gurlies for the pob and the bashsters harem is hotting up i have a sg gurlie in my sights the bashsters tractor beam should snare her by the weekend and she too will worship at the sex alter that is the bashster.
The best news this week is the mighty WEEZER are writing their six lp for release next year im super super stoked i love this band to death and feared they would split up.
Another worrying music i,m listening to is KID ROCK i had is infernal cowboy song on six times on the way to work at again a bashter molten 11 on the bashsters deathcardecks im a sucker for dumb ass music.
It saddens me that Led Zeppelin are reforming i say some bands leave a legacy don,t ruin it die old hippies.
The time is 7 40 i better go to work i guess
mucho love to the gwen steffani loving Alice the bashster worries about you hun hope things get good soon
I love you. Your posts always make me smile....Am i a member if harem then? xxx
ooooh goody
I'm in Leeds next monday night and next tuesday night