Today in the little known town of Morley just outside the biggest growth city in England Leeds there has been a toxic spill which is causing great concern.
The event happened this morning when the waste was deposited into a presteen clean bath in a house!!!.
The bath has suffered severe discolourization and rogue hair bodies have also been deposited.A one Mark Bishop described that a immediate operation invovling 14 bottles of jif bathroom cleaner is been shipped in ,with 1 hour of elbow grease the picture below may cause concern to people with daughters who haven,t reached the age to deposit toxic waste round a white bath tub be afraid!!!
In other news it was revealed the music video being filmed in Morley is still in its infant stage the director and star of the above is BASHSTER or real name Mark Bishop.He is concerned the naked content of the video may be to much and is a big fan of music video and has modelled his new look on one of his favourties Sabotage by THE BEASTIE BOYS.
Bashster on pre production set.
Now the weather
In much cases this weekend has been bright n sunny tommorow will be the same.
i wanna fuck you like a animal ,i wanna feel you from the inside ,i wanna fuck you.... shit i got nine inch nails and sex on the brain.
Talking of nine inches me and chomps visited the saucy Ann Summers shop yesterday to buy some gear for chomps next set.Usually i hate shops go all white when chomps derails every item on offer.
We entered my eyes nearly popped out of my head the two assistants behind the counter were wearing red pvc nurses uniforms ,one of which had white fishnets stockings.I stood out of the way while chomps peruzzzed the items on offer by the counter to have a perv.The lass in the fishnet stockings bent down to put something in a customers bag causes the dress to ride up over her ass and reveal the skimpiest g string ever
.Aghast i averted my gaze(well when she got back up)and wandered over to look at the anti man toys(sorry shucks false cocks toys)when a bloke dressed as a gynaecologist(thats a cunt to spell)approach us to demonstrate different anti man phallic symbols.What is it with germans they say what they see which i admire.He placed one after another into chomps hand and explained how it thrusted for total clit simulation and could bring you to the point of orgasm.We were pissing us self with laughter,
Finally we went to pay by the way i bought a extra couple of inchs for me cock and chomps a black mamba strap on
(only joking).The shop assistants asked us to take their piccys for their boss so there i stood taking a pic when a man appeared at the side ofr me with his camera phone and began sbapping away.He turned to me and said you don,t mind me taking piccys of your girlfriend fella much to my amusement i replied no but they work here this is for them.He looked shocked quickly put his phone in his pocket and scappered very very funny.
So chomps naked aunty is up for a week and we went out for a meal last nite she came up with her lover oooerrr .We get on great even thou i mocked that they were at a age where they have to be careful not to wear the same matching clothes a disease that hits you when your knocking for photographic proof check out the women who taunts me on here for a age guide lol
.But fuck me i hadn,t checked under the table they had matching jogging bottoms on very fucking sad!!!!!.
They came back for a coffee then spent 30 minutes removing dog hair from the devon chav outfits with sellotape fucking mentallists chomps auntie is a pubic hair short of a plughole but i love her to bits.
Tommorrow sees us celebrate the thunderous ones 34 birthday by goin to see THE TOWERS OF LONDON at manchester ,tuesday i have the day offf to get the work done on my car to get it through the mot
.I have spent all my birthday walla on it this year which sucks but i get to chill with chomps for the day!!!!.
thanx to Steve for the photoshop software my piccys of chomps new set should be ten times better.
So here ends another week and you all look after yourselves for the next one!!!
signing off buck rodgers style
biddy biddddey
Today in the little known town of Morley just outside the biggest growth city in England Leeds there has been a toxic spill which is causing great concern.
The event happened this morning when the waste was deposited into a presteen clean bath in a house!!!.
The bath has suffered severe discolourization and rogue hair bodies have also been deposited.A one Mark Bishop described that a immediate operation invovling 14 bottles of jif bathroom cleaner is been shipped in ,with 1 hour of elbow grease the picture below may cause concern to people with daughters who haven,t reached the age to deposit toxic waste round a white bath tub be afraid!!!

In other news it was revealed the music video being filmed in Morley is still in its infant stage the director and star of the above is BASHSTER or real name Mark Bishop.He is concerned the naked content of the video may be to much and is a big fan of music video and has modelled his new look on one of his favourties Sabotage by THE BEASTIE BOYS.

Bashster on pre production set.
Now the weather
In much cases this weekend has been bright n sunny tommorow will be the same.
i wanna fuck you like a animal ,i wanna feel you from the inside ,i wanna fuck you.... shit i got nine inch nails and sex on the brain.
Talking of nine inches me and chomps visited the saucy Ann Summers shop yesterday to buy some gear for chomps next set.Usually i hate shops go all white when chomps derails every item on offer.
We entered my eyes nearly popped out of my head the two assistants behind the counter were wearing red pvc nurses uniforms ,one of which had white fishnets stockings.I stood out of the way while chomps peruzzzed the items on offer by the counter to have a perv.The lass in the fishnet stockings bent down to put something in a customers bag causes the dress to ride up over her ass and reveal the skimpiest g string ever

Finally we went to pay by the way i bought a extra couple of inchs for me cock and chomps a black mamba strap on

So chomps naked aunty is up for a week and we went out for a meal last nite she came up with her lover oooerrr .We get on great even thou i mocked that they were at a age where they have to be careful not to wear the same matching clothes a disease that hits you when your knocking for photographic proof check out the women who taunts me on here for a age guide lol

They came back for a coffee then spent 30 minutes removing dog hair from the devon chav outfits with sellotape fucking mentallists chomps auntie is a pubic hair short of a plughole but i love her to bits.
Tommorrow sees us celebrate the thunderous ones 34 birthday by goin to see THE TOWERS OF LONDON at manchester ,tuesday i have the day offf to get the work done on my car to get it through the mot

thanx to Steve for the photoshop software my piccys of chomps new set should be ten times better.
So here ends another week and you all look after yourselves for the next one!!!
signing off buck rodgers style
biddy biddddey
Sounds like you have your hands full with the big Bday today! Can't wait to hear how it goes