I have finally regained full fitness and an rareing to go.The week has had a slow start.I have developed a urge to eat peanut butter kitkats,roll my sleeves up on my workshirt to perfect symetry either side.Not controlled my ballistic anger at work prayed that i would win the lottery ,seemed remotely interested in the death of Steve Irwin the croc hunter,watched to much japenese porn for my own good.The following few days sees chomps start her sleeve tattoo and a trip to Nottingham rock city on saturday to see BUCKCHERRY.i will attempt to scribble a bit more later in the week its only early so theres enough time to get up to mischeif lol
I hate the one way system, I always catch the bus in cos I wouldnt know where I was going otherwise!
I can only spurt water out of the oldest piercing. Yes I have done it.
Thankies Bash.<3
Japanese porn.
Oh jesus. Why?
The guys have like...cocktail weenies?