Day after Falloutboy concert at the fantastico slamfest at leeds should have been renamed fallovergirl!.
We finally managed to set off around 5pm after i had been to see my nan who was 88years of age and its fucking hard to buy someone something thats had 88 birthday prezzies so choccys is the answer which i scoffed hoorahhh!.
We went for some grub first at bar reso which is next to the hard rock cafe in leeds which was packarooneyed in othersides fuckin full
Burgers were the course of the day and wine natch.
We went to the millieum square which is a fantastic venue leeds should be proud heres a couple of piccys!
The gig was good but he sound was naff and the academy is are a overated shit of a band lets hail these when a hundred reasons are 10 times better support brit music its good too!!!.
It was pretty cold and crissy looked cool in her new trainers!!
We began to get tanked on beer when fall out boy wandered on for their headline set which crissy enjoyed with some famous dodgy dancing and classic front man poses!
We left the gig and met crissys mate claire and her boyfriends band who are Grindcore so their guitarist informed me (bands are always stuck up their own butts unfortunately!.
We went to oblivion rock nite at the uni and we danced our asses off drunk to much and i met the pope and a dwarf on the way back to the taxi!
We felt a little worse for wear and 165 quid lighter in pocket god i have never felt that pissed for aeons and my stomach today is like a washing machine on spin,my mate libraand lockmust be very afraid of the bashsters hitting London lol.I had to also get crissy undressed she was in no fit state the piccys are in the folder and for her own safety i will not indulge you with them on my journal!
Today i have watched the rio rock fest live and its a traversty that AXL ROSE travels under the banner of Guns n Roses.
Pray the fucker gets eletrucuted at Download.But at least The Darkness rocked whoooooo!.
I will leave you with one of them annoying list thingies that blacklamb left me
7 things to do before i die!
1.Go to Japan
2.A parachute jump
3.Have a threesome with chrissy and another hot chick!!
4.Get debt free
5.Hopefully see England win the world cup
6.Rock till i die
7.Die on the job
7 Things i can,t do!
1.Undo bras in the heat of passion
2.Stop wanking!! guitar
4.perm my hair
5.Get the courage for my tattoo
6.Pick up dog shit without barfing
7.Ignore big brother
7 Things i usually say!
4.shit sandwich
5.fuckitty fuck
Ok im off good news crissy will join sucide land next month im offski tomorrow more boozing n smoozing!
Take care chucks!!
And ps jens wait till i finish my b j u might miss the goss lol
We finally managed to set off around 5pm after i had been to see my nan who was 88years of age and its fucking hard to buy someone something thats had 88 birthday prezzies so choccys is the answer which i scoffed hoorahhh!.
We went for some grub first at bar reso which is next to the hard rock cafe in leeds which was packarooneyed in othersides fuckin full
Burgers were the course of the day and wine natch.
We went to the millieum square which is a fantastic venue leeds should be proud heres a couple of piccys!
The gig was good but he sound was naff and the academy is are a overated shit of a band lets hail these when a hundred reasons are 10 times better support brit music its good too!!!.
It was pretty cold and crissy looked cool in her new trainers!!
We began to get tanked on beer when fall out boy wandered on for their headline set which crissy enjoyed with some famous dodgy dancing and classic front man poses!
We left the gig and met crissys mate claire and her boyfriends band who are Grindcore so their guitarist informed me (bands are always stuck up their own butts unfortunately!.
We went to oblivion rock nite at the uni and we danced our asses off drunk to much and i met the pope and a dwarf on the way back to the taxi!
We felt a little worse for wear and 165 quid lighter in pocket god i have never felt that pissed for aeons and my stomach today is like a washing machine on spin,my mate libraand lockmust be very afraid of the bashsters hitting London lol.I had to also get crissy undressed she was in no fit state the piccys are in the folder and for her own safety i will not indulge you with them on my journal!
Today i have watched the rio rock fest live and its a traversty that AXL ROSE travels under the banner of Guns n Roses.
Pray the fucker gets eletrucuted at Download.But at least The Darkness rocked whoooooo!.
I will leave you with one of them annoying list thingies that blacklamb left me
7 things to do before i die!
1.Go to Japan
2.A parachute jump
3.Have a threesome with chrissy and another hot chick!!
4.Get debt free
5.Hopefully see England win the world cup
6.Rock till i die
7.Die on the job
7 Things i can,t do!
1.Undo bras in the heat of passion
2.Stop wanking!! guitar
4.perm my hair
5.Get the courage for my tattoo
6.Pick up dog shit without barfing
7.Ignore big brother
7 Things i usually say!
4.shit sandwich
5.fuckitty fuck
Ok im off good news crissy will join sucide land next month im offski tomorrow more boozing n smoozing!
Take care chucks!!
And ps jens wait till i finish my b j u might miss the goss lol
1 Are you bored right now? [if not skip to question 5]
2 Why are you bored right now?
3 Are you absolutely positive theres nothing youd rather be doing?
4 Even if there was, youre still going to do this quiz, huh?
5 Ok, so. If a child was running at you with a knife in his/her hand, and had every intent of killing you; would you physically defend yourself?
6 Has a parent every said something to you that filled you with disgust? e.g. oh your fathers a right stallion, dear! Im red raw!
7 Is there anything which makes you feel like you are actually going to proper vomit?
8 Imagine there is a vast amount of bread in front of you, doesnt matter what type, any type you like, dont get smart. So, how many slices could you eat in one go with the spread of your choice? No, you cannot toast them.
9 Think that was a stupid question, or are you glad someone asked you something new?
10 Who would you rather hear have an orgasm; a family member or a family pet?
11 What is the longest you have ever gone without sleep?
12 Stop! HAMMER TIME! What are you thinking of right now?
13 Were you just thinking of MC Hammer?
14 Did you just lie when you answered number 13?
15 If you can remember the last joke that made you laugh out loud, tell it now. If not, write down a rude expression or insult which always makes you smile. e.g. teat.
16 Why do you think sometimes when you answer a quiz, there are answers missing. Have a good guess, dont just skip to the next question, as the next ones quite poor.
17 How old are you?
18 Told you. Anyway, another moral/ethics question; would you ever euthanize someone who wished to be euthanized? If you dont know what it means, look it up kids. Knowledge is power.
19 What do you think of veganism?
20 What is the stupidest lyric that you have ever heard? Do tell!
21 Can you remember any rude rhymes from school? If yes, what was it?
23 You are in a club and a man faints in front of you. Whilst he is on the ground, he starts to convulse and vomits on your shoes. Whilst this is happening, a very attractive young person who you consider to be rather aesthetically pleasing approaches you and starts to chat you up. Its been ages since you last had a shag, and they havent noticed the sick oozing on and around your feet! Answer honestly, what would you do in this situation?
24 Did you notice that I missed out 22?
25 Do you think I did it on purpose?
26 o rly?
27 What do you think is the stupidest part of the movie the Matrix? The part which made me laugh most? There is no spoon.
28 Why is yellow like that?
29 If you could talk to yourself a two years ago, what would you tell yourself?
30 Do you like the sound of bagpipes?
31 Have you ever played a kazoo?
32 Have you ever dropped one that smelt so bad, even you had to leave the room?
33 What is the worst thing you ever said to a teacher at school/college/university? [answer all three if you like!]
34 Did you get away with it?
35 Does Robbie Williams deserve to be hurt with pliers, or aww, bless im. Hes doing no harm!?
36 You are allergic to peanuts. There is a great war and all food is wiped out, apart from peanuts. Everytime you eat them, you have an allergic reaction, but for now they are the only food you can eat. There is a procedure however which means that you will no longer be allergic to peanuts; but it involves your arm being replaced by a big metal cylinder full of all the chemicals needed to combat the allergy. Would you get the operation, or hold out for maybe some new food being developed, which there is a 12% chance of happening i.e. not much chance at all?
37 What was a lesson you had to learn the hard way? Were you caught with your knickers down?
38 Now, because Im bored, well do one of these read each word and say the first word that comes into your head bits.
39 Did that fill your head with proper dirty images?
40 You discover that an eccentric billionaire is somehow buying the deeds to black clothes, meaning each time you wear black you shall have to pay a fee. The fee is 1.27 per item, per day. Do you stop wearing black, or pay the price?
41 If Paris Hilton were standing in front of you, and you knew you could give her a smack across the mouth, youd do it wouldnt you?
42 That wasnt really a question, was it?
43 Whats the crappest thing youve spent the most money on in your life?
44 Is there anything you pretend to hate, because youll get mocked if you dont?
45 What is your favourite type of apple?
It's great