Can,t get used to this internet explorer 7 yet it seems to have shrunk my comments box sulk
The weeks goin ok apart from the bashster suffering a nasty shaving rash anybody got any cure for the awful spotty rash i get after a shave??.
I went a bit bonks at the hmv and bought 4 lps which is strange because im a tight wad and a download pirate ha arrrrr!.I got a old fall out boy lp,Wolfmother,angels n airwaves and taking back sunday.Crissy spent a hour in boots why the fuck do women need all them lotions n potions is beyond me!.
Im seriously pissed tonite after playin pool and drinking the lethal power shandy which is smirnoff ice and lager but adding a shot of aftershock red into the mix was a bit much!.
I am getting very fond of the witty news storys on here from the usa and was shocked at the columbine video game that a no no!.
I have kept a low profile when it comes to big brother on the tv but crissy tells me that shabaz the gay paki from scotland has left this guy threatened to kill himself on live telly,fuck it i gotta say this he hasn,t worked for over 5 years said when he came into the house i was not selfish vindictive but.. stole all the food i say top yourself you sad excuse for a human being you when on the show to get sympathy so when im paying for your dole money i hope you die a horrible death you sad pathetic fucker!.
That was a bit strong hey check out EMBERS MISSILES OF NIPPLE DISTRUCTION she says in her profile they knock people out well they could knock me down anyday papa smurfs of the finest quality!.
Feeling a bit quezzy so im off sling one off and go to bed

The weeks goin ok apart from the bashster suffering a nasty shaving rash anybody got any cure for the awful spotty rash i get after a shave??.
I went a bit bonks at the hmv and bought 4 lps which is strange because im a tight wad and a download pirate ha arrrrr!.I got a old fall out boy lp,Wolfmother,angels n airwaves and taking back sunday.Crissy spent a hour in boots why the fuck do women need all them lotions n potions is beyond me!.
Im seriously pissed tonite after playin pool and drinking the lethal power shandy which is smirnoff ice and lager but adding a shot of aftershock red into the mix was a bit much!.
I am getting very fond of the witty news storys on here from the usa and was shocked at the columbine video game that a no no!.
I have kept a low profile when it comes to big brother on the tv but crissy tells me that shabaz the gay paki from scotland has left this guy threatened to kill himself on live telly,fuck it i gotta say this he hasn,t worked for over 5 years said when he came into the house i was not selfish vindictive but.. stole all the food i say top yourself you sad excuse for a human being you when on the show to get sympathy so when im paying for your dole money i hope you die a horrible death you sad pathetic fucker!.
That was a bit strong hey check out EMBERS MISSILES OF NIPPLE DISTRUCTION she says in her profile they knock people out well they could knock me down anyday papa smurfs of the finest quality!.
Feeling a bit quezzy so im off sling one off and go to bed

Gahh Big Brother so hard to resist, I always try sooo hard not to get sucked in but somehow , i don't know how but it happens......