Well the worst of the exams is over, the 2 that I've been most dreading Engineering Physics etc I had today, It was alot easier then I expected and nothing like previous years papers, all i have to get is 40% to pass but I'm still nervous, but cautiously optomistic
Thing is I went to bed "early" at 12 pm layed there for about 2 hours wide awake thanks to hyena girl next door got 2.30 hours shut eye then got up and revised at 5.30 yawn
anyway one more left.

Thing is I went to bed "early" at 12 pm layed there for about 2 hours wide awake thanks to hyena girl next door got 2.30 hours shut eye then got up and revised at 5.30 yawn

haha. There's always a loud neighbor. 'round here, I'm afraid that's me.

good luck mate i stumbled across you because you posted on the boards and I had never seen you before and I noticed you were in the UK and I have the attention span of a gnat so I decided to come and see if you wrote a blog.