Woot I'm in a good mood, I think i'll be able to do an animatronic based final year project
The lecturer I went to was really helpful and easy to talk to and said they're doing some research on something similar so i might be able to get some help and use some great equipment
I'm still going to download and I've met a few...
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The lecturer I went to was really helpful and easy to talk to and said they're doing some research on something similar so i might be able to get some help and use some great equipment

I'm still going to download and I've met a few...
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Happy VEGAN day!

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I'm useless at blogs because nothing happens in my life!
But I'll quickly mention I'm off to download this year with some friends

But I'll quickly mention I'm off to download this year with some friends

Thanks for posting the link for Story Book Farm in the Animal Rights group.
"...what to write.......what to right....." (looks out window sees guy geting undressed) "....god dahmmit close your curtains!"
Hope you had a nice Holiday, I did and for once I'm not so unhappy to be back at work/Uni.
I don't do new years resolutuions cause I just break em but i think i need to be a bit proactive in getting what I want out of...
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Hope you had a nice Holiday, I did and for once I'm not so unhappy to be back at work/Uni.
I don't do new years resolutuions cause I just break em but i think i need to be a bit proactive in getting what I want out of...
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It does look a little bit like bed wear but it's still hot.
ya i know not all guys are perverts
i don't know if its just boredom or the fact that we live in a fishbowl......
pickins are slim

i don't know if its just boredom or the fact that we live in a fishbowl......
pickins are slim

So whats happened in my life recently that deserves to written on the internet......... um nothing ...well I'll write something anyway.
The veganising of my diet lasted about a day, which was retarded, as i just cut everything out I couldn't eat and suffered becuase of it, if you DO plan on going vegan you should maybe buy some vegan food...
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So whats happened in my life recently that deserves to written on the internet......... um nothing ...well I'll write something anyway.
The veganising of my diet lasted about a day, which was retarded, as i just cut everything out I couldn't eat and suffered becuase of it, if you DO plan on going vegan you should maybe buy some vegan food...
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I find the things which I are about the least are often the things found most interesting by people who stumble across by blog. Run the those things up your flag pole and etc.
Veganism can be tough. My brother (the most pro-animal rights wiccan I can think of) has not worn or used any animal product for nearly 20 years, and he can't live without cheese. Are you staying away from meat entirely, but using certain animal products?
Veganism can be tough. My brother (the most pro-animal rights wiccan I can think of) has not worn or used any animal product for nearly 20 years, and he can't live without cheese. Are you staying away from meat entirely, but using certain animal products?
Why do I always post stupid stuff on here
anyway not much to say I don't know the reason for blogs, anyway I'm in the process of veganising myself, the only thing I need to cut out is cheese really but just like when I turned veggie I'll have to check EVERY SINGLE THING I EAT for about 2-3 months untill I get used to...
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Veganizing is such a chore at first but you know the people Ive known who have actually gone thru with it find it so rewarding at the end of the day. <3 Good luck to you too! and nice to meet you.
My tattoo is a Dali painting - it is one of his long-legged elephants. =)
I'm not sure if its just me but I find Tony Blair a complete sleasy piece of shit, maybe its just because I'm english and he was our Primeminister sooo long but him and his greedy wife just make me cringe when I think they represent(ed) Britain.
i mean it doesn't play on my mind at all but hes appearing on The Daily Show tomorrow...
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i mean it doesn't play on my mind at all but hes appearing on The Daily Show tomorrow...
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I would skip the interview. Tony Blair telling a resident of New York City that 9/11 changed everything? Yeah, that's a reach for the blood pressure medication moment.

It made me laugh that Cherie (skeletor) Blair thinks that history will place Tony on the same level as Winston Churchill in a list of top Prime Ministers.

As you can tell I never update :/
Anyway I passed all exams apart from maths whoo
which i can resit and I get a coursework exstention
double whoo. So I'm happy until I actually go back to Uni
I'll update in a bit I'm on halo ....
Anyway I passed all exams apart from maths whoo

I'll update in a bit I'm on halo ....
Ugh my last exam went to crap, I won't be on much now probably only late nights as i'm moving home, I have no privacy
Anyway I'm holding my breath till the 2nd of July when my results are released, my parents say i should relax but I can't enjoy myself until I know whats going on with my course, I feel like I should...
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Anyway I'm holding my breath till the 2nd of July when my results are released, my parents say i should relax but I can't enjoy myself until I know whats going on with my course, I feel like I should...
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Oh yeah, if you Brits are so great, then what about the Italian Conquest of British Somaliland? Oh, that's right. I went there.
Ugh. Sorry about the exams.
Ugh. Sorry about the exams.
haha, it's cool. I was just trying to be a dick without mentioning the Boston Tea Party. 

Well the worst of the exams is over, the 2 that I've been most dreading Engineering Physics etc I had today, It was alot easier then I expected and nothing like previous years papers, all i have to get is 40% to pass but I'm still nervous, but cautiously optomistic
Thing is I went to bed "early" at 12 pm layed there for about 2...
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Thing is I went to bed "early" at 12 pm layed there for about 2...
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haha. There's always a loud neighbor. 'round here, I'm afraid that's me.

good luck mate i stumbled across you because you posted on the boards and I had never seen you before and I noticed you were in the UK and I have the attention span of a gnat so I decided to come and see if you wrote a blog.

Exams tomorrow and had to see my tutor about a failed module, I was soo stressed I couldn't sleep at all I was sick to my stomach, its almost sorted though it just mean s i may have to redo that module next year, phhew. But it could still go either way.
Anyway my last exam is on the 3 of June so after that...
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Anyway my last exam is on the 3 of June so after that...
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I may have a lot of friends on here, but the No friends group is for people who don't have many friends offline or haven't had friends growing up, which I do not and I have not.
Which course are you doing and which module did you possibly fail?
Euugh I'm stressed, not only do i have my first years exams coming up and three assignments, I also decided to commit myself to an animation project for someone (Good idea there
) and now its coming back to bite me in the ass. I've said to the guy I'd be finished by the 30th so now I'm slogging through it like hell trying to...
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Oy, good luck. 
Yeah, we don't really got Life on Mars over here. But there are ways to get around that sort of thing. And like I said, that writer's strike sucked. Nothing but reality shows for months on end. The BBC really came through for me.

Yeah, we don't really got Life on Mars over here. But there are ways to get around that sort of thing. And like I said, that writer's strike sucked. Nothing but reality shows for months on end. The BBC really came through for me.