I'm nursing a broken heart
All i want is him to hold me, be close to me. but he doesnt want me anymore.
but there are now so many possibilities.
i lost alot of friends, but now i can be the person i want to... treat people the way i want to .. and without being critisized.
i'm so sorry for being a crap friend to so many of you. the old barny is going to be back... with extra rocket launchers! and LUBRICANT hahahahh
with a guitar, and a hamster and a fat spliff! haha.
I live, pay rent, and try to call home somewhere my best mates are banned from, for no logical reason. I can't afford to move out but i'm doing it...
I'm fucking 21! and i FUCKING DESERVE TO LIVE
I dont deserve to be ignored for days.
I dont deserve to be controlled and be given a rule book bigger than me.
lastly, if you love someone... you don't try and destroy them...
p.s. I am never going to apologise to anyone for crying, for having a mini break down, for being depressed or wanting to self harm.
I'm not guna FUCKING APOLOGISE for being suicidal.
No sir.
i have said sorry and explained and tried to understand one million times too many.
All i want is him to hold me, be close to me. but he doesnt want me anymore.
but there are now so many possibilities.
i lost alot of friends, but now i can be the person i want to... treat people the way i want to .. and without being critisized.
i'm so sorry for being a crap friend to so many of you. the old barny is going to be back... with extra rocket launchers! and LUBRICANT hahahahh
with a guitar, and a hamster and a fat spliff! haha.
I live, pay rent, and try to call home somewhere my best mates are banned from, for no logical reason. I can't afford to move out but i'm doing it...
I'm fucking 21! and i FUCKING DESERVE TO LIVE
I dont deserve to be ignored for days.
I dont deserve to be controlled and be given a rule book bigger than me.
lastly, if you love someone... you don't try and destroy them...
p.s. I am never going to apologise to anyone for crying, for having a mini break down, for being depressed or wanting to self harm.
I'm not guna FUCKING APOLOGISE for being suicidal.
No sir.
i have said sorry and explained and tried to understand one million times too many.
Yes, you deserve all of the above. It shall be yours. Your belief will help create the fact. And if you can stand the lowlifes of WeegieLand (myself included), you'll always have a couch to kip on here, hon.