this is me... RIGHT NOW.. my ma just gave me the farmer cap (n in my mums lovely office)
and my lovely taxi driver causy broke down in dundee on his way to me! (that's about 8-9 hours away)
However this has given me abit longer to prepare, see my mum! and knit some things
We picked elderflowers to make cordial! yum
- indigo dyed my dress and some other things (mum a crazy lady into all her natural dyes!)
I cut my hair shorter! and dyeing it again. abit like this
just trying to get the sides even and more BLUE!
This glasto IN YO FACE
i will mainly be ....
in the permuculuture garden... making bread and eating free food
outdoor BEE OVEN!
-throwing my fire poi around
(thats if i can hunt down some parrafin)
- selling a few gloves/scarfs/legwarmers etc BARNICLES
- hoping there isnt quite as much mud as last year
- oh and seeing some GREAT GREAT live musicians... the best, will be the unknowns and the stumbled apon.
however i will be at : Manu Chao, Jay - z, The Verve, Neon Neon, The Zutons (cos they are fucking amazing live) , The Cribs , The Long Blondes (cos they wrote one of my fave songs 'once and never again')
I am also planning on exploring the dance village more. maybe catch DJ format and some fatboyslim!
and DREADZONE... god the list got too long and my eyes hurt. this can only be solved with a glasto planner and big pen!
this is one little hippy in her fight against the world...
see you on the other side
Right, i rarely do this but i just have to send my love out to Vertebra
If you havent.. you seriously have to check out her set in
Member Review
I love her photography... I find it healing.. its truthful, honest and has beautiful imperfections!
oh know! it cut off.... see the beautiful boobs Here