inkygoodness i really miss you
aleczorab i really miss you
la_zorra i would chop off my leg and give it to you if i could see you
sky Still nothing has changed... but you were always special to me ... its' been too long
fuck this shit. I'm 21 and some of the greatest people on this site, in my world, i havent seen for over a year.. maybe even 2 years some of them.
It only takes a short time to make a connection, and then you have a lifetime of friendship
but dam
I cried as i stopped in london two weeks ago... i had 20 minutes... 20 FUCKING MINUTES.
The rage of scottish fire is starting to grow in me. STUPID FUCKING IDIOTS!!! I attempted to walk up princes street after work, found the place i wanted was shut and had to walk all the way back.
fucking idiots, and yes... half the time people think your the rude one for trying to get past...
oh i almost got in a fight in brighton.. i really kinda wish i had now... haha. I obviously got on her nerves somehow...
but i was with 20 of my friends! and she was picking on me ! booo... am i an easy target?
we've already given the cloakroom like 20, paid 8 each to get in. and since we're taking up like quite abit of space we have a few bags on the floor in the middle of us (only the essentials!)
of course its necisary to BARGE through us all (we were doing pretty well at defense, and politely making space elsewhere for people to move around us) ...
not that i even really minded her barging across, i mean if she had too!
but she got OH SO OFFENDED that i'd tapped her and pointed out that she was about to step on my stuff and that she had to fight through 8 friends having an group hug
she didnt do it once...
she did it again ... and then told us that we should fucking MOVE OURSELVES AND OUR STUFF cos 'her and her friends had been there all night and we were getting in their way'
dude.. me and my 20 friends could deck you guys to smut
whatever ur opinion on annoying people like me on the dancefloor with a bag, well we only did it cos there was alot of us. and theres still no call for her behaviour.
ps i am extremely boring. just woke up at 3.30 YESH! (best lie in in months!) and have coffee on the go woo
am guna reaady myself playing gta4
then go pain the town NEON with toneeeeeeeeeeblair and the CREW OF DANGER!!!!!!!! (that is sgs and his friends)
inkygoodness i really miss you
aleczorab i really miss you
la_zorra i would chop off my leg and give it to you if i could see you
sky Still nothing has changed... but you were always special to me ... its' been too long
fuck this shit. I'm 21 and some of the greatest people on this site, in my world, i havent seen for over a year.. maybe even 2 years some of them.
It only takes a short time to make a connection, and then you have a lifetime of friendship
but dam
I cried as i stopped in london two weeks ago... i had 20 minutes... 20 FUCKING MINUTES.
The rage of scottish fire is starting to grow in me. STUPID FUCKING IDIOTS!!! I attempted to walk up princes street after work, found the place i wanted was shut and had to walk all the way back.

fucking idiots, and yes... half the time people think your the rude one for trying to get past...
oh i almost got in a fight in brighton.. i really kinda wish i had now... haha. I obviously got on her nerves somehow...
but i was with 20 of my friends! and she was picking on me ! booo... am i an easy target?
we've already given the cloakroom like 20, paid 8 each to get in. and since we're taking up like quite abit of space we have a few bags on the floor in the middle of us (only the essentials!)
of course its necisary to BARGE through us all (we were doing pretty well at defense, and politely making space elsewhere for people to move around us) ...
not that i even really minded her barging across, i mean if she had too!
but she got OH SO OFFENDED that i'd tapped her and pointed out that she was about to step on my stuff and that she had to fight through 8 friends having an group hug
she didnt do it once...
she did it again ... and then told us that we should fucking MOVE OURSELVES AND OUR STUFF cos 'her and her friends had been there all night and we were getting in their way'
dude.. me and my 20 friends could deck you guys to smut
whatever ur opinion on annoying people like me on the dancefloor with a bag, well we only did it cos there was alot of us. and theres still no call for her behaviour.

ps i am extremely boring. just woke up at 3.30 YESH! (best lie in in months!) and have coffee on the go woo
am guna reaady myself playing gta4
then go pain the town NEON with toneeeeeeeeeeblair and the CREW OF DANGER!!!!!!!! (that is sgs and his friends)
Ahaha! Is it really that obvious? I just can't help myself

thank you, and thank you