
If, like me... you've never heard of rainbow brite, see here...
she spread colour and happiness

I'm terrible upset i cant make it to Perversia's birthday celebration on saturday! i've never been to a strip club and it would have been fun!
I'm having a great time, my mum came to visit yesturday and today, and bumped into friends of hers and friends of mine in brick lane and it was ace

Might do work experience with Tatty Devine next year....
So the PLAN
Walked around posh london today, ya know ritz country, with stories from my mum, talking of days when we owned a house in chelsea and naked roadtrips in san fran!! ! found its fucking impossible to get a cab, when for freak moment you do have rich aunt gettin taxi's around london! However one did laugh at me lots
Also i saw kate moss hahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha
in the burlington (?) arcade oooooooooooooh haha
i need a blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrbbbbbbbbbbbb
but what to write, i recon everyone should write em about each other. like testimonial thingys, and you choose whose goes up! hehe
fun times
bored times
It's all good at the moment
but i wantttttttttt glasssssssssssses
i've never done just a class in dread maint though as usually its part of an overall dread day that includes learning to do dreadperming as well. i would prefer to do it this way but if you are only interested in maint then i can try and work out a lower price for just that portion of the class.
let me know when you'd like to book the clasee for = you'll need to bring along a model to work on.