the kitty that went to play at
THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUU for all your great comments
sorry for being crap at replying sometimes, each comment makes me smile
embarassing Bad catsuit pic 1 and embarassing pic 2
my photobucket has more embarassing and bad pics
my bar from my left cheek piercing FELL OUT
now as nice as it was to feel my cheek again without the bar and see what it would look like without, i COULD NOT get it back in myself.
so 5 later and it was back in! You'd think if the apprentice REALLY had a crush on me he would have given me a discount! some people are CRAP nowadays! show affection people!
incase you've ever wanted to see what a cheek piercing minus bar looks like -----
love and hugs to ya all
ps... i just tried to talk to my flatmate about the food thing, she just laughed and rolled her eyes "right...."
No1 seems to get how horrible it is to wana throw up everytime you eat, and how stressed its making me.
stupid, truthful and lame journal entry
you look good in the catsuit though.
We meeting for tea/drinkage/neighbours soon then??