I went to a party with my wife & a friend this evening. My wife's corvette club was having its Christmas party in January. Why? I have no idea. There were probably about 25 people there & they all seemed to know one another & were comfortable with each other. I felt like the odd man out. I knew three or four people & the others reminded me of others in different car clubs.
I have a Corvette & I used to do the club thing, but over the past couple years I've completely lost interest in all of it. My interests have shifted & moved off into different directions. The party was from 6:30pm - 10pm. We had to get there at 5:30pm for reasons that I'm still not fully sure of. I could've easily left at 7:30pm. There was food & some really lame games & all I kept thinking about was being by myself...
My wife thanked me for being supportive but I think she knew that I didn't have a very good time.
I have a Corvette & I used to do the club thing, but over the past couple years I've completely lost interest in all of it. My interests have shifted & moved off into different directions. The party was from 6:30pm - 10pm. We had to get there at 5:30pm for reasons that I'm still not fully sure of. I could've easily left at 7:30pm. There was food & some really lame games & all I kept thinking about was being by myself...

Thanks Niobe...