Well we're finally getting a taste of the colder weather that has taken over the country. Its about time. I thought that winter would never show up. I'm thinking about going out to dinner tonight at a nice Italian restaurant & wearing my mink. Its a very warm coat & I can wear a t shirt without shivering. Other than that I'm expecting a new fangled tea maker today & I just got my giganormous Apple TV box yesterday. The one that came with our home theater system was a 30gb box & its almost full!
I think there's 6 movies on it & 16 episodes of Nip Tuck. The iPod library & some iPhoto albums round out the contents.
We were going to fly out to Utah for a tattoo convention next month & visit with family, but my artist hasn't made up her mind as to whether she's going or not so I've decided to scrap the idea. Maybe there'll be an opportunity for travel down the road when its a bit warmer.

We were going to fly out to Utah for a tattoo convention next month & visit with family, but my artist hasn't made up her mind as to whether she's going or not so I've decided to scrap the idea. Maybe there'll be an opportunity for travel down the road when its a bit warmer.
Absolutely no idea. But I'm kind of leaning towards a nice big black widow spider planted somewhere on my body 

Big & bold are the best for tattoos.