If beauty is only skin deep, then why do we focus so much on the eyes?
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Wednesday Jan 19, 2011
Traveling to Kansas City, MO starting sunday for an entire week. Thi… -
Saturday Jan 08, 2011
Tomorrow starts my week long trip to Montreal where I normally get my… -
Wednesday Jan 05, 2011
Only a few more days til I'm back visiting Montreal. This work week … -
Thursday Dec 30, 2010
Just got his SG Beauty Redined book...too bad it wont help me with to… -
Saturday Dec 25, 2010
If beatuy is only skin deep, then why do we put so much emphasis on e… -
Saturday Dec 25, 2010
If beauty is only skin deep, then why do we focus so much on the eyes? -
Saturday Dec 25, 2010
If beauty is only skin deep, then why do we focus so much on the eyes?