1 am.
After a long day, ive finally crawled into my comfortable bed, gotten naked, and smoked a bowl and cigarette.
I started my day with random columbia college indie kids passed out throughout my apartment. One in my hookah slash india inspired slash yoga room with a girl he cant remember, one on my wood floor with no pillow, blanket, or pants. My best friend katie on my pullout couch. Bodies scattered in the most awkward positions, like they were running and gunned down. A field of dead soldiers.
After waking the dead, i crashed back into my bed and watched the craziness of chicago news for the day. My hometown with one of the countries largest malls had a gun threat of some sort. My govener didnt attend his impeachment ceremony, and a 14 year old impostered a chicago police officer and went on patrol with another officer. It took them 5 hours to figure it out. How fucking dumb does that make our police look.
Anyway, i went back to schaumburg from chicago and visited with my folks for a bit. After i visited with my whino friend catt mook...
He is one of the last reasons i go back home at all. I showed him my sg set, and he made me feel really good about it. We smoked endless numbers of bowls, sipped wine. We watched demitri matrin,sorry for the spelling, random comedy sketches from him. I then proceeded to teach him the peewee herman dance, and we just about pissed outselves. I love visiting with him.
Now im home watching the news. 45000 people lost their jobs today. I cant believe the mess this economy is in.
The news is too depressing, if your awake, just waking up, about to head to bed, or sleep suicide girling, drop me a line. Im tired of rambling on here heheh.
Www.myspace.comslashdental bloss
Aim neonbloss
After a long day, ive finally crawled into my comfortable bed, gotten naked, and smoked a bowl and cigarette.
I started my day with random columbia college indie kids passed out throughout my apartment. One in my hookah slash india inspired slash yoga room with a girl he cant remember, one on my wood floor with no pillow, blanket, or pants. My best friend katie on my pullout couch. Bodies scattered in the most awkward positions, like they were running and gunned down. A field of dead soldiers.
After waking the dead, i crashed back into my bed and watched the craziness of chicago news for the day. My hometown with one of the countries largest malls had a gun threat of some sort. My govener didnt attend his impeachment ceremony, and a 14 year old impostered a chicago police officer and went on patrol with another officer. It took them 5 hours to figure it out. How fucking dumb does that make our police look.
Anyway, i went back to schaumburg from chicago and visited with my folks for a bit. After i visited with my whino friend catt mook...
He is one of the last reasons i go back home at all. I showed him my sg set, and he made me feel really good about it. We smoked endless numbers of bowls, sipped wine. We watched demitri matrin,sorry for the spelling, random comedy sketches from him. I then proceeded to teach him the peewee herman dance, and we just about pissed outselves. I love visiting with him.
Now im home watching the news. 45000 people lost their jobs today. I cant believe the mess this economy is in.
The news is too depressing, if your awake, just waking up, about to head to bed, or sleep suicide girling, drop me a line. Im tired of rambling on here heheh.
Www.myspace.comslashdental bloss
Aim neonbloss
Have a good day.