Most normal people when they have money tend to spend around 20 on a pair of shoes or an item of clothing, me being a geek chooses to spend 20 on books
I bought Diary of a young girl by Ann Frank mainly because I started reading it at a friends a while back and rather liked it but never got round to buying it
A Man's Search For Meaning because Amazon being the cool site that it is suggested it and I'm a geek who finds history interesting
To Kill a Mockingbird Courtesy of my lovely friend's suggestion
and Catcher In the Rye because I wanna see what all this fuss is about.
Should keep me occupied for a week or two, if anyone knows any good books feel free to suggest anythingg
Only about a month till my set is live on the 11th April![kiss](
I bought Diary of a young girl by Ann Frank mainly because I started reading it at a friends a while back and rather liked it but never got round to buying it
A Man's Search For Meaning because Amazon being the cool site that it is suggested it and I'm a geek who finds history interesting
To Kill a Mockingbird Courtesy of my lovely friend's suggestion
and Catcher In the Rye because I wanna see what all this fuss is about.
Should keep me occupied for a week or two, if anyone knows any good books feel free to suggest anythingg
Only about a month till my set is live on the 11th April
Catcher in the Rye is a trap! Its terrible, bleck.