The Day Our World Stood Still
By: AMN Jr.
It's hard to make sense
of this senseless act of violence
just how our lives have been changed
by a terrorist's murderous campaign
Innocent people at work, on a plane, and on a tour
just how many lives no one can really be sure
killed by a fanatical enemy in their God's name
a peaceful religion corrupted into horror and disdain
Turning concrete, steel, and glass
into a smoldering twisted mass
and because of this violent assault
the world as we know it was brought to a halt
On September eleventh, Nine-One-One
the call went out to Nine-One-One
As the news quickly spread around the nation
Police, fire, and EMS responded from the streets and their stations
without a second thought
not realizing that they too would soon be caught
As one hundred and ten stories came crashing down
dashing all hope that many survivors would be found
Now fathers and mothers
husbands and wives
sons and daughters
and brothers and sisters grieve
over this heinous act that no one could really believe
We now know that due to the angels over Pennsylvania many more lives were spared
from the terror from the air
that in our faith we have to trust
and the cell phone calls did not fall on deaf ears
They help remind us to hug, kiss, and say "I Love You" to all we hold dear
Remember we must
for every single horrible act of terrorism
there are a thousand acts of heroism
and we know that these lives lost were not given up in vain
and "Justice Will Prevail" is our only refrain
They tried to topple our financial and military powers
but they shall soon find out that our strength lays in more than pentagons and towers
for in our indivisible spirit it resides
and although she cries with still lips
" Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,"
Now the Lady of Liberty in the harbor
gazes over the city in horror
of a forever changed skyline
and a newspaper headline
But it is still a shame that it took something so chaotic
to once again make us all patriotic
to once again remember that we live in the Greatest Nation
But now and forever we will stand up and say
" God Bless America"