since 2k4 i have come to the conclusion that time runs slower than patience... so you have to work for what you want and work very hard.
More Blogs
Monday May 16, 2005
I am now once step closer to getting my drives license. All i need no… -
Saturday May 14, 2005
Just watched Saw again. There are even more things that bug me about … -
Thursday May 12, 2005
if all goes well ( and this is something that i think just might actu… -
Wednesday May 11, 2005
I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as bad or g… -
Wednesday May 11, 2005
finished painting. Did not taka as long as i thought it would. -
Tuesday May 10, 2005
just saw Troy tonight. It was pretty good or at least better, far bet… -
Tuesday May 10, 2005
I need 7 more credits an a 1.75GPA to get financial aid and so i pres… -
Monday May 09, 2005
I got a C which gives me a 2.0 grade average. I check tomrrow about f… -
Monday May 09, 2005
I just got in another copy of a Stephen Hawkings book. i hope the lib… -
Sunday May 08, 2005
i was supposed to help someone movie bt it appears they forgot to cal…