hey y'all. word up yo i'm in nyc. i'm sitting on my sister's couch and watching the best show of all time - magnum P.I. the past three nites i've been out until five every morning, it's so much easier to stay out late here than tdot. plus the wienerdog factor seems to be considerably lower. Although interesting story about bad times. guess what i learned on saturday nite? JERSEY SUX!!! my sister agreed to go out to hoboken to see a frickin' jersey cover band with one of her friends when she was really drunk last week. it was gino central and the music blew. the band's song list didn't include anything before march 2003. they played plenty of jon-bon and the lead singer was the bastard child of mark mcgrath and nick lachey. frickin jar-head central. my sister got propasition for a threesome and they gave out shots in plastic cups. on the plus-side there was a free stretch limo from path station and it had the largest dance floor in hoboken (score!) anywise, lesson learned; you can't know what love is without knowing hate.
i think i'm gonna spend 120 dollars on a tie. it's like the world's second best tie and by far the coolest thing i've seen in nyc. so it will be mine.
i think i'm gonna spend 120 dollars on a tie. it's like the world's second best tie and by far the coolest thing i've seen in nyc. so it will be mine.

i have also been thinking about putting up a gallery of interesting letters people have received through the project, what do you think?