i tried to make this a thyrdday type thing, but i guess i messed up, oh well. so hmmm, whas new? oh yes, a happy new years to all you chinese members of SG. may your year be filled with many a monkey. how about a couple of stories about monkies?
aight, here we go!
so this girl i used to date was from hong kong, and we was talking shit one day about crazy food. I mentioned that my dad had deep fried bees when he was in hong kong, and then she told me a story about her dad. when he was a kid, he used to have really really bad migrains. Hs parents had tried tons of remedies, but there was one thing they hadn't tried yet. LIVE MONKEY BRAINS. no shit. i mean we've all heard about this, but i've never known anyone who actually tried it. but the migrains went away, so maybe there's something to those simian noggins.
second story, when i was in India about a year ago, i was residing in the former british summer capital of Shimla. There is many a monkey in this town and there were packs of them along the path a walked to school. there was also a temple way up on top of a hill that was a monkey temple, and some creative entrepeneurs had decided to train these monkeys to steal things from you (food, glasses, books). to said items back, you had to purchase a)some treat for the monkey, or b) a large stick from the guys who trained the monkey. so one day while walking to school there was this particualrily distressed looking monkey. to get my revenge on the monkey population, i screamed at this monkey and it flipped out! just started screahing and fell into the garbage bin it was sitting on. i laughed and laughed and laughed.
now for some lyrics to our favourite song:
oh i want to be a monkey,
a monkey monkey monkey
monkey monkey monkey
they fly through the air with the greatest of ease!
i forget the rest of the lyrics, lemme know if you've got them rest.

so this girl i used to date was from hong kong, and we was talking shit one day about crazy food. I mentioned that my dad had deep fried bees when he was in hong kong, and then she told me a story about her dad. when he was a kid, he used to have really really bad migrains. Hs parents had tried tons of remedies, but there was one thing they hadn't tried yet. LIVE MONKEY BRAINS. no shit. i mean we've all heard about this, but i've never known anyone who actually tried it. but the migrains went away, so maybe there's something to those simian noggins.
second story, when i was in India about a year ago, i was residing in the former british summer capital of Shimla. There is many a monkey in this town and there were packs of them along the path a walked to school. there was also a temple way up on top of a hill that was a monkey temple, and some creative entrepeneurs had decided to train these monkeys to steal things from you (food, glasses, books). to said items back, you had to purchase a)some treat for the monkey, or b) a large stick from the guys who trained the monkey. so one day while walking to school there was this particualrily distressed looking monkey. to get my revenge on the monkey population, i screamed at this monkey and it flipped out! just started screahing and fell into the garbage bin it was sitting on. i laughed and laughed and laughed.
now for some lyrics to our favourite song:
oh i want to be a monkey,
a monkey monkey monkey
monkey monkey monkey
they fly through the air with the greatest of ease!
i forget the rest of the lyrics, lemme know if you've got them rest.
better places to go late night? like where? 

i used to live in van-couver!