jeez louise, i try to up some exciting pictures which my computer tells me are under 250kb, yet SG seems to disagrrrree. i never knew that addition was so debateable. this is also giving me trouble with my photo, size requirements haven't trouble me since i was four and unable to get on the good rides at expo. oi gevelt.

oh yes, but there is a photo of me in the 'pics' section, so check it out if you've got the time.
Noblisimo! When the fuck did you become a member? I recall seeing barcos but not thinking ti was you for some reason. What a putz I am, you should have been on my friends list long ago. Anywho, you need for the profile pic to be both under 250k and the exact dimensions specified (235 x 175 or soemthing). Motha nucka! hey maybe you can help me with my webcam. Call me so I have your TO # in my phone. Oh and good luck with exams.
it's the mexican wrestling mask you bastard!