First step done in the process of yours truely becoming a bomb ass Suicide girl. I just have to turn in some forms and shoot my first set. Much easier said than done.
I turned on the water in our sink today and hundreds of little flies flew up. I hate this nasty ass apartment. Its so freakin dirty, Jenelle is having a birthday party here and Im not inviting anyone because Im disgusted about how dirty this place is.
First step done in the process of yours truely becoming a bomb ass Suicide girl. I just have to turn in some forms and shoot my first set. Much easier said than done.
I turned on the water in our sink today and hundreds of little flies flew up. I hate this nasty ass apartment. Its so freakin dirty, Jenelle is having a birthday party here and Im not inviting anyone because Im disgusted about how dirty this place is.

haha yeah, i think we are. o well i guess everyone else sucks...or they are poor. which is why i wont be on here anymore sometime in January 

haha yeah, i think we are. o well i guess everyone else sucks...or they are poor. which is why i wont be on here anymore sometime in January