Grrrrrrrr I am having the worst time trying to get photos on to the site have two uber cute ones of Zoe and was actually trying to get some of my self up but they are always too big..... I have no clue how to change the size of photos or make them smaller or whatever....grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
More Blogs
Wednesday Jul 19, 2006
Sorry for not updating much recently have been super busy with class … -
Saturday Jun 17, 2006
Went to my freinds birthday party the other night. He rented out the … -
Thursday May 25, 2006
Worked on my wall calander some more today. It is coming along nicely… -
Friday May 19, 2006
Well it has finally happened. I am back in Iowa City and I am back on… -
Friday Apr 21, 2006
Just one short hour remaining until my final jail break from Ames IA.… -
Saturday Apr 01, 2006
Well the countdown continues and at midnight I officially enter the t… -
Saturday Mar 25, 2006
26 days...... Just starting to relize that I am leaving this town.… -
Sunday Mar 19, 2006
Well spent the weekend with family both mine and Zoe's. Had alot of f… -
Monday Mar 13, 2006
So day 39 is coming to a close with yet another long work day. Ge… -
Wednesday Mar 08, 2006
43 days..... the countdown continues. Picked up Just Freinds yeste…
I hope it works out.... the pictures and the job thing....
I am sorry Zoe is off again and running. I will keep writing if you keep reading!!!
It helps to have people like your stuff
and HAPPY WEEKEND to you both,