Wow two blogs in a year look at me So been spending alot of time figuring out my work stuff.. got a job cleaning an office building Mon wed fri. Have been trying to compleate a new table and get some of my photos taken/matted. Last sunday was my last offical day at daydreams comics but it sounds like I will be filling in whenever they need me. going to go out to the art festival this weekend now that I have weeekends off. besides that just burned through a big stack of new comics .... buffy was soooooo sad. Have to start writing on my next game have about a week till the next one.
Ummm not sure what else to write.... not like anyone really reads this besides kriss.....I guess not tom reads them to
Ummm not sure what else to write.... not like anyone really reads this besides kriss.....I guess not tom reads them to

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