Well I had this great blog all planned out, but I'm having a hard time with this new site at the moment, so maybe I can write it soon.
I like the new site, it looks really clean, but it's different. I have a hard time with change in general. Maybe someone can give me some tips since I'm so not tech savy.
When I try to load the suicidegirls.com page on my laptop my browser crashes. I can't even load the site successfully. Does this happen to anyone else?
Also the pictures in my set are all out of order. Anyone know how I can rearrange them? Or how to edit profile pictures to scale them to fit?
I appreciate any tips or advice. God, I feel like my grandma asking for help with Facebook haha!
Anyways, once I get comfortable and get the site to work I will post a blog with all the exciting new things going on. And lots of pictures!