Wohoooo, welcome back!
I kinda lost myself in Paris, forgot completly about this account, and here we go, I'm moving out from this beautiful city in 3 weeks, and coming back to SG. Hahaha
One year here was full of positive and negative things, I learned french, I ate amazingly good kitchen, I met crazy people, I spent TOO MUCH money on stupid things...
Now I'm preparing myself to go to Berlin, Paris is nice, but doesn't give me the freedom I feel in Germany, and the language, LANGUE, por favor, I've never felt so alienated as here in the beginning and now I'm sure that if I ever gonna have a baby - its foreign language course will start at the age of 2!
now I'm heading to refresh this account, check my beautiful ladies, get some more inspiration, upload the pics i've taken through this time and, just, jump back into SG addiction
alors, bon journee !
I kinda lost myself in Paris, forgot completly about this account, and here we go, I'm moving out from this beautiful city in 3 weeks, and coming back to SG. Hahaha
One year here was full of positive and negative things, I learned french, I ate amazingly good kitchen, I met crazy people, I spent TOO MUCH money on stupid things...

Now I'm preparing myself to go to Berlin, Paris is nice, but doesn't give me the freedom I feel in Germany, and the language, LANGUE, por favor, I've never felt so alienated as here in the beginning and now I'm sure that if I ever gonna have a baby - its foreign language course will start at the age of 2!

now I'm heading to refresh this account, check my beautiful ladies, get some more inspiration, upload the pics i've taken through this time and, just, jump back into SG addiction

alors, bon journee !


That's a beautiful picture. I am always dreaming about Paris, I was there a few times years ago and always want to go back and explore there for a while.