aye, aye, summer is back to Poland, with a pretty hard 30degrees kick
i'm melting!
what surprised me - i found so little suicide girls from my country, a bit more 'hopeful' ones.
but still - makes me feel a bit sad and reminds me the way of treating body in my culture. naaah..
i applied here and got fast and positive answer.
i'm excited and can't wait for next week to shoot some pics. this one would bring only blooooody ones :p if u know what i mean
so, summer in Poland is nice, but summer in Berlin is even nicer. as i need to do some shopping and say 'hi' before moving to paris to some friends, thursday is a perfect time to go there i guess
moving to paris, moving to paris.. got my one way flight ticket for 3rd of october.
one way.

ah, and excuse me my sometimes bad english.. i'm polish, u know :p
i'm melting!
what surprised me - i found so little suicide girls from my country, a bit more 'hopeful' ones.
but still - makes me feel a bit sad and reminds me the way of treating body in my culture. naaah..
i applied here and got fast and positive answer.
i'm excited and can't wait for next week to shoot some pics. this one would bring only blooooody ones :p if u know what i mean

so, summer in Poland is nice, but summer in Berlin is even nicer. as i need to do some shopping and say 'hi' before moving to paris to some friends, thursday is a perfect time to go there i guess

moving to paris, moving to paris.. got my one way flight ticket for 3rd of october.
one way.

ah, and excuse me my sometimes bad english.. i'm polish, u know :p
Your english is ok.. and about your pics.. we all look forward to them 

Tez mysle ze straszna szkoda ze jest tak malo osob z Polski... A ty jeszcze uciekasz :p No ale zycze szczescia w Paryzu.. cudowne miasto <3 Wiesz na ile jedziesz czy dopiero sie okaze??