So I am finally on the road. One month. Went to the Arctic Circle in the Yukon.

Loved Dawson City ' A quaint little drinking town with a mining problem." Made friends with the Madame that runs 'Bombay Peggy's' the local brothel. Great girl. Played poker, got in fist fights and pissed off half the guys in town for stealing one of their best girls.

filmed a couple hours worth of footage of everything from wild buffalo to glaziers but no time to edit. Got to run winter is chasing me. leave for Mexico from Vancouver tomorrow.
wish me godspeed.. my dears.

One LoVe

Loved Dawson City ' A quaint little drinking town with a mining problem." Made friends with the Madame that runs 'Bombay Peggy's' the local brothel. Great girl. Played poker, got in fist fights and pissed off half the guys in town for stealing one of their best girls.

filmed a couple hours worth of footage of everything from wild buffalo to glaziers but no time to edit. Got to run winter is chasing me. leave for Mexico from Vancouver tomorrow.
wish me godspeed.. my dears.

One LoVe
beatiful pics!
how are you?