"Peace, my heart, let the time for parting be sweet; let it not be a death, but completeness;
Let love melt into memory and pain into songs."
-Rabindranath Fucking Tagore-
I am not going to write that fucking poem that was tearing at my insides, clawing to get out. It can die screaming in my guts. i will shit it out later. It was self indulgent, self pitying crap. Horrible truths about the vulgarity, lust, pride, envy, greed and cowardice of men and women? Those truths are fucking lies. Because no matter how sickeningly sweet and simple it may seem, this is the only fucking truth:
There is only the moment and in every moment there is hope. Hope for a better moment to come.
This time alone is a gift. I have been given a gift and I treat it like a prison.The ghosts of my former selves still haunt me. They scream like lost children in the deafening silence of the forest. I can endure this solitude.There is beauty in this wilderness and I have time. Time to prepare myself for the world and my mad run half way around it.
And i am not alone. I have this big fucking dog and she is fierce. I will be fierce. Fuck; I am fierce.
I am a rocket man.

This sings my life now.
One LoVe