Here is a picture of me and my friend Tiny backstage at one of the Neverland Burlesque shows I produced a few years back. It was a big 300 seat twice monthly cabaret show that lasted a couple of years.

i have alot of the shows recorded and next month I will attenpt to edit them down if I can figurre out the Sony Vega editing software I ordered. Once they are finished I'll post a link here so you can see them.
here is a poem for those of you who like that sort of thing...
He is trying to remember when he came home to a house full of women
When he was so strong he did not realize our strenght
When he was so weak he did not know that which we gave him
Laugh, but it is true and we pity you
You, you who do not know what it is like to come home to a house full of women
Who accept you
Who open their arms
Who kiss you with kind caresses
With gentle words
Who think you more than you are
And make you a better person because of it
We pity you
You poor bastards
For once he came home to a house of women
All different ages
But the same
God., what joy that was
When he goes to heaven
It will be a house full of women
And he will go to heaven
No matter what you think he has done to deserve less
Because once he was loved
He asked no more than to
Walk through that door
At the end of the day
Every time he walked through that threshold
It was an act of absolution
And we know you think it's corny
You cynical bastards
But it was his redemption
And now he is trying to remember

i have alot of the shows recorded and next month I will attenpt to edit them down if I can figurre out the Sony Vega editing software I ordered. Once they are finished I'll post a link here so you can see them.
here is a poem for those of you who like that sort of thing...
He is trying to remember when he came home to a house full of women
When he was so strong he did not realize our strenght
When he was so weak he did not know that which we gave him
Laugh, but it is true and we pity you
You, you who do not know what it is like to come home to a house full of women
Who accept you
Who open their arms
Who kiss you with kind caresses
With gentle words
Who think you more than you are
And make you a better person because of it
We pity you
You poor bastards
For once he came home to a house of women
All different ages
But the same
God., what joy that was
When he goes to heaven
It will be a house full of women
And he will go to heaven
No matter what you think he has done to deserve less
Because once he was loved
He asked no more than to
Walk through that door
At the end of the day
Every time he walked through that threshold
It was an act of absolution
And we know you think it's corny
You cynical bastards
But it was his redemption
And now he is trying to remember

awesome pic

nice pic... how are you man?