this valley is a crucible
where i set myself on fire and lay down amongst the flames. the boy and the man burned to ash. the son burned. the brother,
the friend, the street fighter and the lover all burned. in my reckless solitude i burned them all. the only witness was a great white dog.
more wild than tame.
she stood guard
and roared and howled at the world. She defied any living creature to try and stop me.
Now the ghosts of my
former selves wander in this forest. Poor things are too afraid to go into the light.
I hear them whispering at the edges of my fixed perception of the
and eternal now.
and they succeed in distracting me at times.
They blame and accuse.
I have named them all.
here is the one that insists he has been betrayed " I would be happy if she hadn't plotted against me..."
here is the one who longs for the future " I wiil be content when this happens and only then...."
here is the one who regrets the past " I would have peace if only this had happened...."
I feel the tug as they will me to fill the vaccum of their forms. they are just dark smoking translucent shells without me to light them
from the inside.
Who am I now if I am not those forms, those roles, those collections of past repeating memories?
Tied to the wheel of Karma. acting out the same little
dramas over and over within this one lifetime.
i will burn the wheel
but even the one who burns the wheel is not me
Who am I ?.
i am the one who watches the one who burns the wheel.
I am the shining crystal mote behind my eyes. set against the background of eternity. I can feel forever behind my head.
and one moment the spark will light and for that one eternal moment all forever will be white fire.
and my spark will become one with the white flame.
And even the one who watches will burn.
One LoVe

love your dog...<3

Your dog is so cutee.