Hey guys, thought about posting a show today but the end recording was less than 5 minutes, and really just not worth the space. So I have some stuff to share with you that I will do via blog post. If you're not interested in reading it, then fine.
First and foremost, congrats to my buddy's over at The Four Eyed Forecast for blowing their bandwidth cap! That's great! Well done and all with all them listeners guys!
Next, and most importantly is Boob Art For Breast Cancer. I will be collecting art donations, to auction for breast cancer research, until OCTOBER 1ST, 2011! I am happy to take donations of all kinds, from all art mediums, so if you are interested in taking part then please send an e-mail to thebarleyshow@gmail.com OR go to http://www.facebook.com/thebarleyshow and leave a comment. I would also love to know if you're interested in just helping out in general, so if that sounds like something you might be able to do please let me know. I've already had a few pieces submitted to me, so things are moving along!
Next up, yesterday and the day before, someone claiming to be my 'friend' began making harassing phone calls to my girlfriend's cell phone. At first we thought maybe it was a drunk prank call and should be ignored, 8 or 9 phone calls later (that night alone) and two calls the next day and we decided to involve the police. SO, the person who has been calling, I hope you're reading this. I have no patience for this kind of bullshit, and threatening people I care about is completely unacceptable. It hasn't happened again, and I'm hoping it doesn't. My real issue is that this is clearly either someone I know directly, or the fault of someone I know directly. I'm supposed to be able to trust my friends. This is absolute bullshit, so I would appreciate if the person told me who they were so I could cut them directly out of my life.
That's all I have to say on that.
Finally, I pose this question to you. What the fuck is wrong with movies these days? I just watched a trailer for BATTLESHIP the movie. Yeah, based on the board game. You need to watch that trailer as soon as possible. See if you can spot the battleship pegs. Is that really where we're at in Hollywood? Trailers like that make me glad I've started to reevaluate my involvement in that industry. Let me know what you thought of the trailer.
So, if you have content or questions for the next show or post, please send me an e-mail at thebarleyshow@gmail.com or find me on facebook!
In the mean time! Listen to past episodes of my show! I've had some great guests including Simon King, several of the beautiful ladies from SuicideGirls.com, An Horse, and Anchoress, to name a few! Give them a listen on itunes OR go to http://thebarleyshow.podomatic.com!
First and foremost, congrats to my buddy's over at The Four Eyed Forecast for blowing their bandwidth cap! That's great! Well done and all with all them listeners guys!
Next, and most importantly is Boob Art For Breast Cancer. I will be collecting art donations, to auction for breast cancer research, until OCTOBER 1ST, 2011! I am happy to take donations of all kinds, from all art mediums, so if you are interested in taking part then please send an e-mail to thebarleyshow@gmail.com OR go to http://www.facebook.com/thebarleyshow and leave a comment. I would also love to know if you're interested in just helping out in general, so if that sounds like something you might be able to do please let me know. I've already had a few pieces submitted to me, so things are moving along!
Next up, yesterday and the day before, someone claiming to be my 'friend' began making harassing phone calls to my girlfriend's cell phone. At first we thought maybe it was a drunk prank call and should be ignored, 8 or 9 phone calls later (that night alone) and two calls the next day and we decided to involve the police. SO, the person who has been calling, I hope you're reading this. I have no patience for this kind of bullshit, and threatening people I care about is completely unacceptable. It hasn't happened again, and I'm hoping it doesn't. My real issue is that this is clearly either someone I know directly, or the fault of someone I know directly. I'm supposed to be able to trust my friends. This is absolute bullshit, so I would appreciate if the person told me who they were so I could cut them directly out of my life.
That's all I have to say on that.
Finally, I pose this question to you. What the fuck is wrong with movies these days? I just watched a trailer for BATTLESHIP the movie. Yeah, based on the board game. You need to watch that trailer as soon as possible. See if you can spot the battleship pegs. Is that really where we're at in Hollywood? Trailers like that make me glad I've started to reevaluate my involvement in that industry. Let me know what you thought of the trailer.
So, if you have content or questions for the next show or post, please send me an e-mail at thebarleyshow@gmail.com or find me on facebook!
In the mean time! Listen to past episodes of my show! I've had some great guests including Simon King, several of the beautiful ladies from SuicideGirls.com, An Horse, and Anchoress, to name a few! Give them a listen on itunes OR go to http://thebarleyshow.podomatic.com!