racked by terror buffeted by pain, bleak abject absolution spurned rambunction and fitful compunction as a mid-air spasm-trickle. Fuck my ass and call it Tuesday. unto it meant, sought as it seems, distracted playsets thought they were brought places but no instead of body told them sat there, working other satisfied instead? Wouldn't you FUCK? WWWOUNDEAD WOULDN'T CHEW?! DAh. Gone I've been seen. They even broken penis shelled me at the door and a dollar blank is my empty test number. FAK! AposPantpos KakoDaimonos, get not an other, or hole nuther bracket, dince dince dince and thats why when it was brought out everyone left it and took nearly a boredom safety.
More Blogs
Wednesday Nov 20, 2002
Today is such a wonderous day~~~ May many fanged, black-eyed and bat… -
Tuesday Nov 19, 2002
racked by terror buffeted by pain, bleak abject absolution spurned ra… -
Saturday Nov 09, 2002
open up, do see their eyes, their ploomage, their finess, and in-stea… -
Thursday Nov 07, 2002
my personal angelic abattoir, with what and what how so to do a that … -
Tuesday Nov 05, 2002
Sparks! A Fine Snarl resounds within my nasal cavity. Penneyellopenel… -
Monday Nov 04, 2002
lucifer rising from behind my third sky, beyond the broken canopy of … -
Friday Oct 25, 2002
they can go so far, until they can't can't get off what they brought,… -
Tuesday Oct 22, 2002
the DXM will diminish my immune system, the infection in my throat w… -
Monday Oct 21, 2002
I will take Massive quantities of DXM, watch Triumph of the Will, se… -
Monday Sep 16, 2002
who let you in here
the only coherent thing you've ever written on this cursed website melts my heart.
when i went to shake that man's hand, i did it all funny by accident. he was all, "93." and i was all, "93," while grabbing his hand in like this pseudo-urban gang-type handshake formation. and then i stumbled down the cobblestone hill in my platform boots. i make the BEST IMPRESSIONS.
i can't come to pittsburgh to see sully because i have clazz. you'll have to go in my stead and tell them to play another show after i move there, or i'll cut my ear off and send it to them.