open up, do see their eyes, their ploomage, their finess, and in-stead, walkingout, look unstead, what you toppled pulled thread and better, or instead, with them, and an notion not note knocking on an action in the ocean, with them and a notion, not to bother readling this is only a not tu is ant TV actual tube ray spread, like mind ripe tun pick truck, under with done, mixed slipping a file, all the white filed whittled faces were looking, with a neck and just track dreamy cannot cheat what is not spent said reeling send, with this, a swandive, lapse and a curl, in glisteing timbers fat sand fell lake open wide WIDE and the dim stats payed a lotus, whisked partially by honest another a half and by storm
toe pouch pooches
call the patent office
tussinated john allen: "LIFE IS ONE COLD SLOW SHOCK."