Saw harry potter last night, ....... it was pretty good.
Work is O K.
No real complaints,
but I'm not going to get comfy....... wink
hey long as you're not miserable and everythings ok for ya man biggrin

Camping is fun. Especailly when your chasing raccoons in the middle of the night. HeHe biggrin
Sounds like fun, was it local? I went to Brunswick, MD last year and we had a great time hanging out at the campfire and just spending time together.
Not much going on. Found out that a friend of mine lost his cousin in the V-Tech massacre. And some fucker hit my truck, backed up and drive away. So if there is any justice left, may he get what he deserves 3fold.

Be good to one another, you never know what 2morrow brings......... wink
The whole VT thing sucks. Just about everyone I talk to knows someone who was a victim of the attack or has a friend or coworker who does. I wonder what kind of counseling or intervention with the shooter would have mad a difference.

Sorry to hear about your truck.
That really sucks.
It kick ass.
Sorry, but I have to be a geek here
biggrin biggrin
It's fun taking the lead and frustrating as well. My boss is put for 2 weeks for knee surgery & the power that be trust me enough to be in charge and take the reigns, just so they can go home on time. I do not mind, it is a role that I am used to.

Other then that all is well in my world(or...
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Life has been busy. Tons of work, too many projects, not enough competent resource. Losing one of my analysts on April 13, she is moving to Hawaii. 1 week to vacation, so I am scrambling to get everything completed (or at a good stopping point) so that I can walk out the door on Friday and only have minimal contact with the office while I am at the beach. We will see. I am heading (unexpectedly) to Occoquan today to see my wife's uncle. We haven't seen him for several years so we get to meet the new wife. They sent a nice card with pictures of the family, so it should be a good afternoon. Take care and talk with you later. smile
Not much going on over here.
Anything new and exciting with you, please do tell.
I'm hungry and taco bell is calling....... should I answer? whatever wink

And if I do will this puke , happen?
I hope not.......
Try Chipotle, it is slightly better for you and might do a better job of answering the call, except for the fact that they aren't usually open at 3AM. Hope you found something to eat. As far as exciting, not too much here. My last show got canceled due to snow/sleet/ice. I really didn't care for the music we were singing, but I feel bad for the soloists. Anyway, just 5 short weeks until Spring Break. No segway here, but do you know if there are any groups in NOVA who run a live version of Rocky Horror Picture Show? I haven't been in a long time, and I would love to go again. Anyway, take care be well and I will talk with you later. biggrin
Saw Dir en Grey on monday, the show was kickass. Go see Pan's labyrinth it is the movie of the year I think. And smoking aces was pretty sweet too. other then that, work is work thank god I got the weekend off. And my girl has a hurt back so she is on some pretty good drugs right.

And what's new in your world?...
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i wanna see that movie maybe itll be on video soon enough smile

our theater isnt worth braving evne if it did have it

i'm still lurking around believe it or not
idk why but i guess i might just have a few friends left around here haha


keep it real and thanks man
i forgot to ask how dir en gray was btw.


Yeah I know I should post more, but I'm not on here long enough these days to do anything other then this. Everything in my world is ok so far, work is work and everything else is .......good.

So what new with my peeps out there? wink
I had a fantastic time on celebrating Groundhog Day on Friday evening. I went to Tommy Joe's in Bethesda and hung out with some work friends (and spouses). Ended up having a good cigar (I only smoke once or twice a quarter) and being overly chatty with random people. I had a GOOD time. A lot of fun, and I should try and get out every 4 to 6 weeks. (all work and no play makes Phil a dull boy). biggrin
I'm feeling like a little fucking worm on a big fucking hook. I know it's been awhile since I've been here, but I have been busy. Had to get my vehicle fix, so I missed 2 days of work. The company's busy season is about to begin(yeah overtime!, goodbye sleep). And 3 days from now I will be 33(whoo-hoo, more gray hair). Life keeps on...
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33 isn't so bad. It just means "the year of more Rolling Rock."
Not much going on these days, I was hire full time by the company I was temping at ( MORE MONEY!!!!). Just saw the new bond flick (he is just as good as the first bond) and that is about I think........ If I'm forgetting something then please forgive me

Peace out ya'll biggrin
BBKF went and saw it over the Thanksgiving Holiday and said that she really liked it. I may try to go see it when it comes to Arlington Cinema and Drafthouse.