Thursday Aug 18, 2005 Aug 18, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Sorry not in much of a mood for writing and stuff. I should feel better tomorrow, Sorry, blame my ex for this. Still much love as always VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS karalynn: Wow a school store, now that is high class. When i was a kid north carolina was 50th in the nation and guess what, the county I lived in was 100th in the state. (a state of 100 counties) It was a running joke that the stoopidest kid in our school was the stoopidest kid in the nation. Aug 25, 2005 switchsigh: Hoping you're feeling better by now! Aug 26, 2005
When i was a kid north carolina was 50th in the nation and guess what, the county I lived in was 100th in the state. (a state of 100 counties) It was a running joke that the stoopidest kid in our school was the stoopidest kid in the nation.