what is it called when you break up with someone, then 6 months later you are hanging out with them and well, it feels good you no longer want to kick them in the ass, but you actually enjoy their company and there is no sex involved (well except for me using the "pink bastard" on her for a good half hour) to complicate things, what is that? other than that being on mind, I have been good since my last update
, clean bill of health from the doctor - he says the old ticker is just fine and dandy but still need to lose weight and to stop smoking and that fuckin suxx. I finally have the pics I took at the hot import nights car show that happened in june. I want camping at old faithful(bull run campgrounds) if you find the right site you can privacy and peace-n-quiet as long as you don't mind a few bugs.... did the whole petsitting thing for the ex-girlfriend, besides the the lil pup is cute so I don't mind- I have I pic with her when she was first brought home. what the hell else has been going on with me, I still have to paint the house that will be stared this weekend and of course I still have to finish my backyard if it ever stops storming around (damn hurricane season). And for some reason I have been going thru my CDs and rediscovering why I bought them in the first place which is good now if I could have the ones that my ex's little brother stole, back then I would be totally happy for a couple of days
Any way that is all for now feel free to drop a line to catch me.......

Any way that is all for now feel free to drop a line to catch me.......

im trying!!! thanks sweetie!

Wow. Really, what causes these post-relationship encouters? My ex and I were fucking for a couple months after we called it quits. I even think the sex was better in the aftermath. (Funny how that works.) You end up not being able to stand being with a person, but they dominate your sexual desires. Weird.