I know it's been awhile- almost a month- since the last update. Just been busy doing a job that I tolerate, making money and trying to get drunk when I can(every friday, ruby tuesday's, reston town center). Still listening to Dir en grey - they fucking rock. I'm bummed that tower records is going out of business, but I like getting stuff 40 to 75% off, plus just found out when I was there earlier, that the online section for tower was bought by a different company so that you can order stuff online indefinitely,
Sure could go for a venti peppermint mocha right now...........
Til next time have a happy turkey day fiesta

Sure could go for a venti peppermint mocha right now...........
Til next time have a happy turkey day fiesta

i'mbusy with a life... i tolerate
i dont blame you for all the drinking and such
tower records out of business whoa haha well. :x
-shrug- thats cool though indefinite online orders.
i miss u darlin!! pick up the phone and call me ya hear??
happy turkey day!!!
next time im home u must take me with to rubys - they still have teh ice rink at RTC?