Alot has happen to yours truly since I went on sabatical....
The short of it is I got a job with a temp company, I work in chantilly assembling educational packets(exciting , huh?). The long of it, got a job, did stuff around the house to fix it up abit. Saw Motley freakin Crue in feb., saw NIN in june - very kickass, saw the "Family Values tour" with Korn & the Deftones and the amzing japanese band -Dir en Grey - they were so good I went out and got there newest cd. Only went camping once this summer, just might have to go this winter. And found out recently that in a few weeks tower records will be no more.
So much stuff to put down so little time. I will get around to changing a few things on the olde profile, just stuff that needs updating. I been thinking about going back to weight watchers, YES/NO, haven't decided yet.
All right I'm going to bed.
Peace out y'all!
The short of it is I got a job with a temp company, I work in chantilly assembling educational packets(exciting , huh?). The long of it, got a job, did stuff around the house to fix it up abit. Saw Motley freakin Crue in feb., saw NIN in june - very kickass, saw the "Family Values tour" with Korn & the Deftones and the amzing japanese band -Dir en Grey - they were so good I went out and got there newest cd. Only went camping once this summer, just might have to go this winter. And found out recently that in a few weeks tower records will be no more.

So much stuff to put down so little time. I will get around to changing a few things on the olde profile, just stuff that needs updating. I been thinking about going back to weight watchers, YES/NO, haven't decided yet.
All right I'm going to bed.
Peace out y'all!

I do not watch anything even closley resembeling a chick flick darlin unless john cusacks in it!
i miss chatting with u!!!!!