My galaxy tattoo! This is probably my best quality piece so far. I got it when I was 21, and I think it cost about 400 bones. Here are some horrible jokes I like to tell people:
Guy at bar: Woah cool tatt! What is it? Me: Oh, you's only everything.
Guy at bar: Woah I like your tattoo! Me: Thanks. I like to think it's rather universal.
This piece was done by Ben Lucas, a very skilled artist, provided you can tolerate his snark. I wanted to get a tattoo of the moon on me. When I was a kid, I would climb out my window and go meditate under the old walnut tree. I would talk to the moon too. Mother Night, I would call her. I always felt really comfortable being outside at night, and peaceful. The moon is purple because that is my favorite color. It also happens to be the color of royalty, thoughtfulness, and insanity.
I decided to make it a galaxy tattoo because I think science is fundamental and cool, and space is really mind boggling and humbling. It reminds us that the stupid shit we care about really means nothing and that we are all specks floating on a rock through space.
Enjoy the green splooge comets and the ps4 controller on my bed XD