It's a beautiful sunny day today in SF, so let's talk about....ANARCHY!! I'll try to not make this too political, but I believe in autonomy and thus, ideologically and theoretically, that we don't need a government telling us to brush our teeth and keep our noses clean. The idea of smaller local communities or "tribes" if you will is very appealing to me. So, when I was 19 my friend, who is an aspiring tattoo artist, tattooed me on my bed while I was drinking PBR and listening to The Misfits. Although I don't listen to punk rock very often anymore, it will always hold a special place in my heart. My life partner also got a matching anarchy tatt in the same place that day. We were charged for the cost of the supplies. Every time I go to get a pedicure the nail technicians always have to touch the blood to make sure it's not real blood xD