Hello, everyone! It’s been a while since my last homework blog, but I’ve recently been reemerging from my social media hiatus, so I thought I’d see what everyone has been up to here in the SG community. I’ll try to be better at this, I promise!
In the spirit of this week’s blog homework, I’m going to tell you guys about the sweetest lil goat my family had a few years back. His name was Gimli, yet I had nicknamed him Gumball, and my brother only paid $20 to bring him home with us. I guess someone had put up an ad on Facebook for baby goats they had for sale, so my brother hopped on the opportunity to own his own.
When I say baby, I mean lil Gimli hadn’t even begun teething yet, so we had to feed him out of a baby bottle. Any time I put my hand out to him, he’d run up to me and suck on my fingers, wagging his tail happily.
He got along so well with the dogs that they did everything together, including sleeping, eating, and playing.
If there was one thing Gimli loved, it was receiving attention. He’d yell for hours outside if we left him alone. As soon as I stepped outside though, he was calm. He gallop over to me and immediately try to suckle on my fingers, even when his teeth began growing in (ouch). He loved being pet, and whereever I went he followed. He often tried to jump on me like dogs do, with his front hooves propped against my belly for support. I’m telling you guys, this goat was the CUTEST and had tons of personality.
The day my lil Gumball left was a sad one for me. His horns had begun growing in, and my brother didn’t like that Gimli had begun headbutting him. He had never done it to me, but evidently it was beginning to pose a problem for my brother. He ended up giving baby Gumball to a couple who had a kid. They seemed nice enough, so I don’t doubt he went to a good home, but it’s still sad to know I’m missing out on such a sweet little boy.
Has anyone else had any cute experiences with a goat, or just a less conventional pet in general? I’d love to hear about them! Thanks for reading, guys!
@missy @lyxzen