Hey everyone, I'm back on causing mischief. I'm in a different region now but I'm still up for great conversation. I'm interested in all things from Lord of the Rings to reefer ;). Gotta say it's not as easy as it was to meet people on here. Prove me wrong, shoot me a message and lets have a nice chat :)

Life is getting so busy nowadays working two jobs,having wonderful days with my girlfriend and getting any sleep I can when I'm not watching a new movie.

I can't say its bad because I'd be lying. I'm just coping with the adaptations some more than others such as my sleep schedule, my change of location and having someone to care about and having them care...
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Man what a wonderful 3 day weekend..polished off a whole thing of fireball to myself at a friends birthday bash.surrounded in friends in the past few days...

Though so many things are racing through my mind..mainly a girl specifically a old friend from another state shes always been there for me even when I wasn't grateful for it.she loves all of her friends but we...
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Do it. Three dates before you try to finger her butt though.
hahaha I'll keep that in mind
Well I'm going to NYC in mid December..this would be my second visit so I have experienced some things for example NBC studios, 30 Rock, and the World Trade Center ,but I am hard pressed to find some new attractions or just places to see..if you have any ideas or know of any fun interesting places please let me know.stay beautiful everyone
Attention Whores, Gold diggers, Cheaters.....what are some other labels of the bad types of girls?
Alright so I was having the worst day today at work but a couple hours before i get out a gorgeous red haired woman walks past me and catches my eye...long flowing la little messy but still so pristine with each strand bouncing on her shoulders as she walks..absolutely made my day seeing her beautiful hair glide by me...now only if I had the guts...
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This happens to me all the time at work. Some women come in with the most amazing features. Gotta love beautiful women.
you're so sweet smile
Well my life could be a bit more eventful..usually when something drastically different happens its usually for the worst for example last week I have been having side problems finally went to the doctor after 5 days of pain and stubbornness on Friday they ran every test they could for side pain turns out its my gall bladder its either gall stones or gall bladder...
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I hope everything is ok!!! Get better quick!
Thank you! smile
Today was my first day on this site and I have to say its quite spectacular...I don't write blogs a lot but I will try my best to stay active with the blogging since it seems to b a component to this site..a thing I love about this site is that we all are here for one reason to look at beautiful women..I just love...
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