I am so completely broke. I really wish I hadn't gone to lunch at that italian place and gotten my hair cut now. I would have had almost $50 more in my back account if I hadn't done those two things. Knowing that now I am even more greatful to Desire for buying the drinks on Tuesday. THANK YOU!!!

I'm going camping next weekend. Between...
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Well that was different...

At about 10:30 this morning I was on the phone with the quietest person in our Camp Hill branch trying to get some problem invoices figured out. All of a sudden there's a lot of noise going on in the cubicle beside me and Kat is bawling. My attention is split between that and Bill on the phone, so I'm missing...
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I got my revue last week. It was about 2 months late, but I got it and I got a raise. I stayed home last Teusday and when I came in Wednesday I found out that my boss, John L, had come in and had a meeting with everyone about dress code. We can't wear jeans and t shirts anymore. But since John isn't working...
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Thank you to Norwegiandame for the birthday wishes kiss

I had a good birthday. I went to class in the morning and blew off part of my lab, went home and hung around for a little while before Zach (pretty little 18 year old boy I work with) and his friend Deavers (attractive, but not in the feminine way Zach is) got to my apartment to...
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I still don't have a pic. Yeah, I know..I'm a slack ass.

My boyfriend is sending his mom $250. I don't have a problem with that really. It's his money. But it just seems wrong in some way to talk about how little respect and caring you have for someone and then buy them a $400 computer, and new tires because the ones they had...
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Hi there. I'm Cortney. I'm new to the site. I have a livejournal, so I probably won't use this one much, but ya never know.
